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Matyu 28:12-15

Matyu 28:12-15 AMP

Kfo nuhasmotmm prisroh bro yimam yihato Judaroh bro yimampno rpat rifinyhato wom yima yuhum naptha nafak nhtamom. Naptha nayak nhtahato wom bro marufat yakhato nd yima gur htamo tkitt toh yukatohmo soldiam hehato kfo memomm, “Nd yima Jisasr sinyanimo yuhat yimam kfo ttiwon hnewum, wakfo wami-twakomm, ‘Nom hweyetnomn turhu disaiperm yifung yihato rim fak rikohmt rorhu thatipt.’ Tfit Pailatr nd mrokfot wanyhato finji kfiwur, nom tunomn yihato mrokfot yak marnya bomarnyaruhanomtn niko be mrokfo duhatko rhurahko.” Be nd soldiam nd maruham yaknihato nd bro yimam kfomo mrokfo yuhat fak hikmom. To be arihat to be nd mrokforpat Judam kfo ptha hanitm.