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Akara Eji Eme Ọchịchọ

Matthew 17:20

Matthew 17:20 SCO1904

And he says to them, “For that ye want faith: for truly say I tʼye, gin aiblins ye had faith eʼen as a pickle oʼ mustard‐seed, ye sal say till this mountain, ‘Flit ye to yon place!’ and it sal flit; and nocht sal be ayont yere pooer.

Onyonyo Amaokwu Gasị maka Matthew 17:20

Matthew 17:20 - And he says to them, “For that ye want faith: for truly say I tʼye, gin aiblins ye had faith eʼen as a pickle oʼ mustard‐seed, ye sal say till this mountain, ‘Flit ye to yon place!’ and it sal flit; and nocht sal be ayont yere pooer.