Isaiah 65:17-23

Isaiah 65:17-23 TPT

“Look! I am creating entirely new heavens and a new earth! They will be so wonderful that no one will even think about the old ones anymore! As you wait for the reality of what I am creating, be filled with joy and unending gladness! Look! I am ready to create Jerusalem as a source of sheer joy, and her people, an absolute delight! I will rejoice in this new Jerusalem and find great delight in my people. You will no longer hear the sound of weeping or cries of distress. No baby will die in infancy there, and everyone will live out their full lifespan. For when centenarians die, they will be considered youngsters, and anyone who dies earlier will be considered of no account. People will build their own houses to live in, and they will not be taken over by someone else. They will plant their own vineyards to enjoy, and they will not be confiscated by someone else. They will live long lives, like age-old trees, and my chosen ones will enjoy to the fullest the work of their hands throughout their lives. They will neither work in vain for someone else, nor will their children face disaster for they will be children and grandchildren who are blessed by YAHWEH.