Genesis 25:30-34

Genesis 25:30-34 PEV

So Esau said to Jacob, “Please let me eat some of that red soup right now. I’m really tired and hungry.” Jacob said to Esau, “First, I want you to do something for me. You are the oldest son in our family. That means you are the most important son, and you will be the next leader for our family. But I want to be the most important son, instead of you. I want to be the next leader for our family. So you have to promise that you will let me be the most important son now, instead of you. Then you can eat some soup.” Esau said, “Look, I’m so tired and hungry that I’m going to die. So it doesn’t matter if I stop being the next leader for our family. I just need some food right now.” But Jacob said, “First, you have to make me that strong promise.” So Esau did what Jacob asked. He said to Jacob, “I promise that you can be the most important son in our family, instead of me, and you can be the next leader for our family.” Then Jacob gave Esau some of that soup with red beans in it, and some bread. Esau ate that red soup and bread, and then he got up and left. That’s the story about how Esau let Jacob be the most important son. So Esau wasn’t the most important son any more, but he didn’t care. Later on, people sometimes called Esau a different name. They called him Edom . That name means red , like that red soup.