Matyu 1:18-19

Matyu 1:18-19 AMP

Jisasrhu niayuk yuhathu kfo nuhas mrokfot inji korht. Rorhu mmem Mariat, bi kfo nanf hanymomt Josefrpno. Be yuhre nakfo nanf hanyetfn tfit htimomt Mariat yon fanett rhumot. Nd yon fant Bro Nkifrarhu Yafothat kfomott Mariat yon fanett rhumot. Mariathu kfo nanf yima Josefr dborioh yimarn, nd Mariat yon fanet rhumohat ror nhai marimor, “Rikfo akforuhant.” Nhai. Rorhu dukeft duka memor, “Rikfo akfo yiruhant yak yimtnaruhant. Be nann nhowi fnahhato frtrohruhant.”

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