LIGHT - Drawn to Life by the Irresistible Lightדוגמה

LIGHT - Drawn to Life by the Irresistible Light

יום 3 מתוך 5

Consider these questions as you read: 

What did Jesus offer, teach, or promise to give? 

What is Jesus offering, teaching, or promising you in this passage? 

How can it be yours? 

Challenge: Share what you learn today with a family member or friend. 

כתבי הקודש

יום 2יום 4

על התכנית הזו

LIGHT - Drawn to Life by the Irresistible Light

Jesus declared, “I am the Light of the world…light that leads to life” John 8:12. As you daily read, meditate, and apply God’s Word, you will be better equipped to detect the enemy’s artificial lights, remain on God’s path, and shine for Christ in your home and community.
