Matthew 5:38-39

Matthew 5:38-39 CAF

“'Et whutsuh da whulh udahts'o nts'e na'a dune daja hutni inle njan duhutni, ‘Dune buna chawhés'en silhtsi t'eh, nyunch'oh nyúna be chawhés'en tanle. 'I be kw'elha whutelhtsilh. 'Et bughoo habe'alhchus t'eh, nyunch'oh nghoo be k'elha whutelhtsilh,’ hutni inle. 'Et whunts'ih 'un whuhdúsni, dune ntsi' k'ól'en gunih. 'Et k'us ndan nalhnih ts'ih nuhnezkuk t'eh, 'et 'intl'as ts'ih buts'un nándunont'ah.

Video for Matthew 5:38-39