Northeast Christian Church
APOLOGIA | Acts 21:37-22:29
A series through the book of Acts.
Locations & Times
Northeast Christian Church
2751 Patterson Rd, Grand Junction, CO 81506, United States
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
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─ dagger man, sword swinger, assassin, terrorist
─ dagger man, sword swinger, assassin, terrorist
defense (apologia)
─ a reasoned defense
─ a reasoned defense
Paul's Conversion Experience
Acts 9 ─ historical account
Acts 22 ─ defense before the Jews
Acts 26 ─ defense before the Gentiles
Philippians 3 ─ its theological implications
1 Timothy 1 ─ encouragement to Timothy
Acts 9 ─ historical account
Acts 22 ─ defense before the Jews
Acts 26 ─ defense before the Gentiles
Philippians 3 ─ its theological implications
1 Timothy 1 ─ encouragement to Timothy
Paul Relates to the People
─ Spoke Aramaic
─ greeted them respectfully: brothers and fathers
─ born in Tarsus
─ raised in Jerusalem
─ student of Gamaliel
─ zealous for God
─ letters of recommendation
─ persecuted "The Way"
─ used religious terms: Lord, God of our fathers, Righteous One
─ received his mission from respected Jew, Ananias
─ practiced in the temple
─ argued with God about staying with his people in Jerusalem
─ Spoke Aramaic
─ greeted them respectfully: brothers and fathers
─ born in Tarsus
─ raised in Jerusalem
─ student of Gamaliel
─ zealous for God
─ letters of recommendation
─ persecuted "The Way"
─ used religious terms: Lord, God of our fathers, Righteous One
─ received his mission from respected Jew, Ananias
─ practiced in the temple
─ argued with God about staying with his people in Jerusalem
Find COMMON ground.
Say what you NEED to SAY.
Rights may be WRONG.
Who needs your APOLOGIA?
Who needs your APOLOGIA?