First Baptist Church, South Haven

Worship Gathering: 4/12/20
Thank you for joining us for worship this morning! While our place of worship has changed from the usual place and time, we are grateful to know that the Body of Christ can worship anytime, anywhere. You can view the sermon video that correlates with today's notes on our YouTube page. As a reminder If you have a need for assistance during this time (grocery delivery, meals, etc.), please do not hesitate to call/text Kim Collins on her cell phone. We have church members ready and willing to help. We can get through this together. Our God is able.
Locations & Times
First Baptist Church
10781 76th St, South Haven, MI 49090, USA
Sunday 6:00 AM

Worship Video 4/12/2020
1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Pastor Jerry Koller
· What if there was no such thing as the resurrection?
· Without this event, we have no faith.
· Christianity would be nothing but a farce.
· Those who support it would be nothing but fools.
· As believers in Christ, the resurrection gives us hope in an afterlife.
If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. (1 Cor. 15:13)
...If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless… (1 Cor. 15:14).
Paul preached a Gospel that included Christ crucified, buried, and risen from the dead.
· This resurrection was not done in secret.
· There is no reason to disregard the witness given in the Bible of those who saw Jesus after He was put to death simply because the Bible is a religious book.
· No other book, document, or writing has been studied and scrutinized as the Bible.
· You cannot disregard the eye-witness accounts of those who had actually witnessed a resurrected Christ simply because their witness is found in the Bible.
· There are a number of Greek and Roman historians that substantiate this event as well, such as Josephus, Pliny the Younger, Suetonius, Tactitus, Thallus, and others.
· There is abundant historical information on Jesus and the resurrection that one can find if they choose to.
· The burden should not be placed on our shoulders to prove the resurrection happened.
· The burden should be placed on those who said it never happened to prove their claim.
...if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. (1 Cor. 15:14)
Faith is a process that hears truth, acknowledges it as such, and allows the truth to change and influence lives.
In verse 15, we find the third difficulty. If Christ has not been raised: We are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead...(1 Cor. 15:15)
...And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. (1 Cor. 15:17)
· Scripture tells us that the wages of sin is death.
· No one recovers.
· No one is cured.
· No one builds up an immunity.
· The only solution is to be born again.
If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men. (1 Cor. 15:19)
· Our preaching is not in vain.
· Our faith is not in vain.
· Our testimony is true.
· Our sins are forgiven.
· We do not need to be pitied.
· We do not need to be comforted.
· We have hope—blessed hope.

We are here for you!
We are here for you!! If you need assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Let us know how we can pray for you! You can submit a confidential request through our website ( or by emailing either Pastor Jerry or Kim directly. In addition, we have persons willing to shop for those who cannot go to the store themselves or help in other ways too.
While we do not have unlimited financial resources, we do have some funds available. If you are in a good spot and willing/able to help others in need, perhaps you would consider a donation to our Benevolent Fund to help those who are struggling during this time.
We are all in this together! If you have suggestions or ideas about how we can support one another, please let us know.
COVID-19/ Coronavirus Status
· Communication is Important! The key to getting through this is to communicate and continue to support each other however we can. Kim Collins will be working from home as much as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact her via church email, or by calling/texting her cell at 269-767-2226 if you have any questions or need assistance (grocery delivery, meals, etc.)during this time. We have church members ready and willing to help.
· Be Safe: Please be smart in safeguarding yourselves—not only for your sake, but for the sake of others. If you are sick, stay home.
· Be Faithful: Please be financially faithful. Even if you cannot gather with us, please remember that we still have expenses that need to be met.
· Be Prayerful: Please be in prayer for one another and for our nation at large.
Happy Birthday!
· Debbie Owens (4/15)
· Janette Hendrix (4/19)
Happy Anniversary!
We Care Food Pantry Collection
· Cereal
· Dry Pasta
· Canned Vegetables
· Canned Fruit
· Tuna
· Spaghetti Sauce
· Crackers
· Rice-A-Roni
· Pork & Beans
· Canned Soup
· Peanut Butter
· Oatmeal
For questions, contact the church office. Thank you for helping those in our community who are in need.
Summer Camp: Register by 4/15
· 7-8th Grade: July 5-11
· 9-12th Grade: June 21-27
Camp participants will have opportunities to earn funds for camp through participation in fundraisers. Contact the church office if you’re planning to attend and watch for more details coming soon.
Mark Your Calendar: Bridal Shower 7/19
New Theology Class: Are You Interested?
Weekly Prayer List
· Janie Kempski and her family upon the unexpected death of Janie's husband, Mike, who passed away in his sleep on 4/6 . Janie is a former FBC member and an in-law to Curt & Patty Bales.
· Elijah Truer (nephew of Doug & Julie Zantello) is recovering from surgery requiring 14 pins and 2 plates for a broken leg following a skateboarding accident.
· Alyssa Zantello (niece of Doug & Julie Zantello) who is a physician's assistant and has traveled to New York City to help with the corona virus outbreak there. Pray for safety and protection as well as energy and stamina as she serves in this way.
· Crystal Jennings (Tracy Marshall’s brother-in-law’s sister) is diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. Pray for successful treatment options.
· Dave & Linda Ferrell and their family upon the death of Dave's brother, Don Ferrell, who passed away on 3/29.
· Nancy Crowner (friend of Jean Robinson) who is recovering from breast cancer surgery.
· Rylan Jenks (son of Matt & Kristy Jenks, grandson of Don and Deb Jenks) is recovering from surgery for a broken arm. Pray for a quick healing and minimal pain as he recovers.
· Frank Buchert has returned home and is slowly improving; doing well.
· The Family of Lois Jury (sister-in-law of Steve Follman) who passed away on 4/1.
· Mike Underwood (Rocky & Sandi Starland’s son-in-law’s father) is recovering from heart surgery.
· Allen Quinn (34 year-old nephew of Jim & Marialice Quinn) is recovering from a massive brain stem stroke. He continues therapy in Chicago and is slowly improving.
· Lynn Rarick continues to heal from spinal surgery.
· Edna Frugé is staying with her daughter in Ohio. Her health has improved and she is currently stable. Cards can be sent to Edna Frugé, c/o Monica Holland, 5493 Bermuda Bay Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43235.
Stop by the Welcome Center and pick up a prayer card or look on-line at under “Bulletins” for a list of those with on-going needs.

1635 76th Street
South Haven, MI 49090