Broadwater Baptist Church

Romans 8:1-11 - 29/03/2020
Locations & Times
Broadwater Baptist Church
Dominion Rd, Worthing BN14 8JL, UK
Sunday 10:30 AM
Sunday 29th March 2020
You may follow the whole service via a youtube link below which includes prayers, songs and other readings of the things I do think is good about how we are doing church at the moment, is that you are able to really let ourselves go. And dare I say it, be very unenglish. There’s not loads of people watching you, or we don't need to feel that they are people watching you so you can really go for it.. So, if I ask you to do something, or pray out loud, then there’s no excuse, is there. However, I do have to trust that you are doing it.
The reading today is one that many of you will know at least in part if not all of it and it is one that has always brought to my mind the verse “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” can I get an amen… see there’s your first opportunity to get fully involved.
That verse is very apt because earlier in Chapter 7:15-20 Paul does do that thing where he talks about doing “the things that I want to do I don't do but find myself doing the things I wish I didn’t…” He describes it much more eloquently, if a little convoluted… read it and you'll see what I mean. But does that not describe the human condition. That we find our battle, even as christians, is with our own ego and the sinful desires of our hearts in constant conflict with what we know to be right and especially at odds with the Holy Spirit.
However Paul finishes chapter 7 with verse 25 Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! And so that is where we now find ourselves in Chapter 8 and Paul’s moving the conversation on to help us all address those battles we face. To offer an answer to our dilemma. And it's not surprising to find the answer to our spiritual HEALTH, our need for SECURITY and our TRANSFORMATION is not found in ourselves but in God and His Holy Spirit.
There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. None. There is no accusation, no pointing finger and not even the sound of a disapproving tut. Because WE ARE SET FREE from the law of sin by Jesus Christ. All the requirements of the law were met in Jesus Christ so that we wouldn’t be slaves to them and their accusing voice anymore. It’s amazing what being forgiven does, not just to the soul, but to our physical health and the feelings we have about ourselves.
“No condemnation” means exactly that, no censure, no disapproval, no castigation, no damnation, no punishment, you choose which word is most important to you but know that none apply to us when we are in Jesus Christ. I am increasingly convinced that it is easier to forgive than feel forgiven. To free someone else than feel free yourself.
I do get the quote: “ Unforgiveness is like drinking poison yourself and waiting for the other person to die” and we all do sort of understand that. I would suggest that if any of us have unresloved forgiveness for someone, please stop drinking the poison. What is often harder, are our own feelings of being forgiven. And in part it is because we struggle to understand the difference between guilt and shame.
While guilt is rooted in what we have done, shame is the condemnation of who we are. True guilt can lead to repentance and restoration, but shame looms like an oppressive cloud, separating us from knowing the love of Christ. It separates us from being as healthy, spiritually, and physically sometimes, as we can be. But for God there is no such problem, we are forgiven. Not because of how we feel! No condemnation, despite who we feel we are. In Christ Jesus, all that was needed to be done has been done, to free us from the law of Sin and death. We are just forgiven, simple.
The reading today is one that many of you will know at least in part if not all of it and it is one that has always brought to my mind the verse “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” can I get an amen… see there’s your first opportunity to get fully involved.
That verse is very apt because earlier in Chapter 7:15-20 Paul does do that thing where he talks about doing “the things that I want to do I don't do but find myself doing the things I wish I didn’t…” He describes it much more eloquently, if a little convoluted… read it and you'll see what I mean. But does that not describe the human condition. That we find our battle, even as christians, is with our own ego and the sinful desires of our hearts in constant conflict with what we know to be right and especially at odds with the Holy Spirit.
However Paul finishes chapter 7 with verse 25 Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! And so that is where we now find ourselves in Chapter 8 and Paul’s moving the conversation on to help us all address those battles we face. To offer an answer to our dilemma. And it's not surprising to find the answer to our spiritual HEALTH, our need for SECURITY and our TRANSFORMATION is not found in ourselves but in God and His Holy Spirit.
There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. None. There is no accusation, no pointing finger and not even the sound of a disapproving tut. Because WE ARE SET FREE from the law of sin by Jesus Christ. All the requirements of the law were met in Jesus Christ so that we wouldn’t be slaves to them and their accusing voice anymore. It’s amazing what being forgiven does, not just to the soul, but to our physical health and the feelings we have about ourselves.
“No condemnation” means exactly that, no censure, no disapproval, no castigation, no damnation, no punishment, you choose which word is most important to you but know that none apply to us when we are in Jesus Christ. I am increasingly convinced that it is easier to forgive than feel forgiven. To free someone else than feel free yourself.
I do get the quote: “ Unforgiveness is like drinking poison yourself and waiting for the other person to die” and we all do sort of understand that. I would suggest that if any of us have unresloved forgiveness for someone, please stop drinking the poison. What is often harder, are our own feelings of being forgiven. And in part it is because we struggle to understand the difference between guilt and shame.
While guilt is rooted in what we have done, shame is the condemnation of who we are. True guilt can lead to repentance and restoration, but shame looms like an oppressive cloud, separating us from knowing the love of Christ. It separates us from being as healthy, spiritually, and physically sometimes, as we can be. But for God there is no such problem, we are forgiven. Not because of how we feel! No condemnation, despite who we feel we are. In Christ Jesus, all that was needed to be done has been done, to free us from the law of Sin and death. We are just forgiven, simple.
Take a moment to reflect on our forgiveness of others and our own feelings of forgiveness.
Ask God to speak to you and free you from any shame that holds you bound from knowing God’s forgiveness fully.
I’m going to skip to v9-11 so let’s hear them again…
9 You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. 10 But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness. 11 And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.
When it comes to “doing what is right” Paul was absolutely on the money when he shared how much of a struggle he found it, in Ch 7. And isn't it just as Paul described… I have to believe you’re all nodding at this moment, even though I can’t look up and catch you unawares....
Now, I’m not one of those people, and I bless you if you are, that rises from their beds and says “Good morning Lord” I’m more “Good Lord it's morning” So it is important to be honest because God knows our inner desires and feelings. We can't fool Him. But what we can do is rely on Him, feel secure in Him.
The seal of our adoption is the Holy Spirit working in us. Our security is not in what we can do, who we are, how much we can contribute and the difference we can perceive we have made. Our security is in the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. That same spirit is in each and every christian giving testimony to what God has done, not what we have to do.
I’m going to skip to v9-11 so let’s hear them again…
9 You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. 10 But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness. 11 And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.
When it comes to “doing what is right” Paul was absolutely on the money when he shared how much of a struggle he found it, in Ch 7. And isn't it just as Paul described… I have to believe you’re all nodding at this moment, even though I can’t look up and catch you unawares....
Now, I’m not one of those people, and I bless you if you are, that rises from their beds and says “Good morning Lord” I’m more “Good Lord it's morning” So it is important to be honest because God knows our inner desires and feelings. We can't fool Him. But what we can do is rely on Him, feel secure in Him.
The seal of our adoption is the Holy Spirit working in us. Our security is not in what we can do, who we are, how much we can contribute and the difference we can perceive we have made. Our security is in the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. That same spirit is in each and every christian giving testimony to what God has done, not what we have to do.
I wonder where your security lies? Take a moment and try to be honest with yourselves.
Now in my head some of you might have a quizzical look on your faces and are thinking “but surely we should be good” I'll first refer you to the story of the rich man in Mark 10. He comes up to Jesus and kneeling before him, says “Good teacher, what can I do to have eternal life?” and Jesus replies “Why do you call me good? Only God is good.”
We cannot be good. Truly good. To attempt it only fuels, first our guilt, which we can be forgiven from and our shame for not being able, which we cannot. God is the only one good enough to achieve goodness at all times. We can attain a certain level, but never for long and never always. So I’m going to say it “stop trying”
Controversial maybe, however think about how good you’ve been and all the goodness you’ve done? How does that make you feel? Good? Whoops! That is not very humble is it!
What we do have is the security to be good. The power from outside of ourselves and our desires and ego, to be good. It doesn’t mean we'll always be good but we have the security in Christ and the spirit of God bringing the same life that the resurrected Jesus has “also giving life to our mortal bodies” Enabling us in that security to be as good as we can be. And from this life in the Holy Spirit, “nothing can separate the believer.”
Sometimes it is hard to believe we are capable of being good… Therein lies the problem. We believe we can be good, separate to God and the work of the Holy Spirit, but God says you have, not just the power of the Holy Spirit , but the security of always being mine so that is what enables us to be good.
We cannot be good. Truly good. To attempt it only fuels, first our guilt, which we can be forgiven from and our shame for not being able, which we cannot. God is the only one good enough to achieve goodness at all times. We can attain a certain level, but never for long and never always. So I’m going to say it “stop trying”
Controversial maybe, however think about how good you’ve been and all the goodness you’ve done? How does that make you feel? Good? Whoops! That is not very humble is it!
What we do have is the security to be good. The power from outside of ourselves and our desires and ego, to be good. It doesn’t mean we'll always be good but we have the security in Christ and the spirit of God bringing the same life that the resurrected Jesus has “also giving life to our mortal bodies” Enabling us in that security to be as good as we can be. And from this life in the Holy Spirit, “nothing can separate the believer.”
Sometimes it is hard to believe we are capable of being good… Therein lies the problem. We believe we can be good, separate to God and the work of the Holy Spirit, but God says you have, not just the power of the Holy Spirit , but the security of always being mine so that is what enables us to be good.
Sometimes it is hard to believe we are capable of being good… Can we ask God to reveal to us when it is our own effort to be good, not a reliance on His power through the Holy Spirit. Let God confirm your security is in Him and the work of Jesus Christ.
Paul calls on believers to pray for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, who brings health, security and transformation to the human condition. So we come to the third TRANSFORMATION.
When we think of transformation we may immediately think of a physical change. A bit like “10 years younger” the programme where the public guess the age of someone, invariably the answer is higher than their actual age, and teams of experts fiddle, pluck, zap and dress the victim until they look nothing like before and the public's new estimates of age are always much better. I couldn't do that of course because you cannot improve what is perfect. It is to there.
The transformation that Paul is talking about is one that involves our spiritual lives, our character and relationships. So it doesn’t matter what you look like. Which more honestly I’m a lot happier about.
Let’s read v 5-8 again
5 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. 7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. 8 Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.
Transformation can be difficult. But first I want to encourage you by saying you are different than you were before you came to faith. When God revealed what Jesus had done for you and you accepted that gift of salvation you were transformed. You might even feel you have regressed but trust me you are transformed. Being born again is a transformation from a flesh life to a life lived in the spirit. The continuing goal of the spirit is to bring change in our character and renew our relationships, with God and each other.
The emphasis in verse 8 that life lived to gratify the flesh “cannot please God,” means for Paul that, a life grounded in the Holy Spirit assures us God’s blessings and divine protection. A relationship that brings faith, hope and through the work of the Holy Spirit, we become transformed people on our journey with each other and God, as citizens of the kingdom of Heaven.
Paul calls on believers to pray for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, who brings health, security and transformation to the human condition. So we come to the third TRANSFORMATION.
When we think of transformation we may immediately think of a physical change. A bit like “10 years younger” the programme where the public guess the age of someone, invariably the answer is higher than their actual age, and teams of experts fiddle, pluck, zap and dress the victim until they look nothing like before and the public's new estimates of age are always much better. I couldn't do that of course because you cannot improve what is perfect. It is to there.
The transformation that Paul is talking about is one that involves our spiritual lives, our character and relationships. So it doesn’t matter what you look like. Which more honestly I’m a lot happier about.
Let’s read v 5-8 again
5 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. 7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. 8 Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.
Transformation can be difficult. But first I want to encourage you by saying you are different than you were before you came to faith. When God revealed what Jesus had done for you and you accepted that gift of salvation you were transformed. You might even feel you have regressed but trust me you are transformed. Being born again is a transformation from a flesh life to a life lived in the spirit. The continuing goal of the spirit is to bring change in our character and renew our relationships, with God and each other.
The emphasis in verse 8 that life lived to gratify the flesh “cannot please God,” means for Paul that, a life grounded in the Holy Spirit assures us God’s blessings and divine protection. A relationship that brings faith, hope and through the work of the Holy Spirit, we become transformed people on our journey with each other and God, as citizens of the kingdom of Heaven.
There are always areas of our lives that need God to transform so don't start to make a list. Take a while to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal one thing that might need Him to work on. Pray that God gives you the grace to allow Him to transform you.
Gracious God
In these challenging and difficult times,
Where in our shared vulnerability
Our common humanity is revealed,Help us to seek you and learn from you.Help us be faithful in our calling
To make your love and justice known.
Almighty God,
As we recognise the true fragility
Of our structures of power and wealth
Help us to learn again
The priorities and values of Your Kingdom
Help us be faithful in our calling
To make your Kingdom known.
Loving God,
In the midst of our own needs and fears
May we not neglect the needs of others.As we build new bonds, shaped by isolation
Teach us again your call to love our neighbour
Help us be faithful in our calling
To make your compassion known.
Emmanuel God,
As lives lost and human suffering,
Are reduced to models and statistics
May we not forget the true cost
That is borne by those who mourn and fear and suffer
Help us be faithful in our calling
To make your presence known
Eternal God,
Though we walk through the valley of shadow
We will one day emerge
May we then not forget the one whose presence sustained us,Or the lessons we learned as you walked at our side.Help us be faithful in our calling
To make your Gospel known
In these challenging and difficult times,
Where in our shared vulnerability
Our common humanity is revealed,Help us to seek you and learn from you.Help us be faithful in our calling
To make your love and justice known.
Almighty God,
As we recognise the true fragility
Of our structures of power and wealth
Help us to learn again
The priorities and values of Your Kingdom
Help us be faithful in our calling
To make your Kingdom known.
Loving God,
In the midst of our own needs and fears
May we not neglect the needs of others.As we build new bonds, shaped by isolation
Teach us again your call to love our neighbour
Help us be faithful in our calling
To make your compassion known.
Emmanuel God,
As lives lost and human suffering,
Are reduced to models and statistics
May we not forget the true cost
That is borne by those who mourn and fear and suffer
Help us be faithful in our calling
To make your presence known
Eternal God,
Though we walk through the valley of shadow
We will one day emerge
May we then not forget the one whose presence sustained us,Or the lessons we learned as you walked at our side.Help us be faithful in our calling
To make your Gospel known