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New Covenant Church

The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd

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New Covenant Church

Sunday 10:00 AM

Interesting timing with us in the series JESUS IS. Looking at who Jesus is needed now

Jesus is referencing false shepherds and false teachers...and even pharisees here who would have been listening. - Bad shepherds...that don’t care about you. But I care. I lay down my life.

The Shepherd OWNS the sheep... This is a powerful and comforting statement. When the wolf comes...because I’m not hired....because I own you...I don’t run when danger comes. I am not afraid and neither should you be.
1. The Good Shepherd - Provides

When He is our shepherd...the one who we allow to guide us and we follow...

- We have no need (I shall not want) - We lack nothing
- He makes us to rest...come to me and I will give you rest
- He leads us beside still waters - refreshing times of drinking
- He restores - he restores our soul - our mind, will and emotions

We can relax and rest when we realize...all we have to do is follow where the shepherd leads.

2. The Good Shepherd - Protects
You can rest easy knowing that the good shepherd will prepare a table before you right in the middle of the the middle of the attack.

In the middle of fear, crisis, a can dine at your table in peace.

What are you filling your cup with? Are you allowing him to refresh you and fill you? Or are you allowing fear and worry to fill your cup. You can’t be full of faith and fear.

3. The Good Shepherd - Pursues
Goodness and mercy...are chasing you down. That phrase “will follow me” means pursue or chase.

The whole I AM statement of the good shepherd is this - I will lead you, lay down my life for you, provide for you, protect you and pursue matter what.


1. What areas do you feel lack in or need?

2. What are you afraid of today?

3. How are you allowing yourself to be led by the Good Shepherd during this time of uncertainty?

4. How can you be an extension of “The Good Shepherd” this week by caring for someone else?

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