Kalamazoo First Assembly of God
Tabernacle: “Standing in the Ashes of Who You Used to Be”
How does an ancient tent in the wilderness of Sinai relate to our relationship with God? The description of the tabernacle, God’s Old Testament dwelling place, spans sixteen chapters of the Bible. Yet many of us pass over this extended description without understanding its significance. In this series, we are going to be encouraged to consider this “tent of meeting” (Ex. 27:21). By studying the particulars of this first tabernacle, we will better understand Jesus, the One who dwelt, or “tabernacled,” among us (John 1:14) as well as our lives in Him. Join us for this six-week journey through “The Tabernacle.”
Locations & Times
5550 Oakland Dr, Portage, MI 49024, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
God wants people to be able to look at your life and get a glimpse of who Jesus is.
When seeing yourself in the light of who He is, it changes everything.
Repentance is a change of heart that leads to a change in behavior.
I submit how I see (myself/others) to see how God sees (me/others).
Our self-reflection today equips us to serve tomorrow.
Our world doesn’t need a church that only exists on Sundays.
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