Wiregrass Church

Bystander - Week 3
Just outside of Jerusalem, Jesus performed a miracle that changed a man’s life forever. For 38 years, this man was unable to walk. But when Jesus said, “Get up,” the man was healed. However, it’s what Jesus said next that made this miracle a clear sign of who Jesus really was.
Locations & Times
Wiregrass Church
900 W Main St, Dothan, AL 36301, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
John in the first century did not choose to follow Jesus...
Because of faith.
He followed Jesus...
Because of what he saw and heard
Because of faith.
He followed Jesus...
Because of what he saw and heard
Seven Signs
Jesus' miracles weren't random acts of kindness.
They pointed to who He claimed to be.
They pointed to who He claimed to be.
The Third Sign
Healing on the Sabbath
Healing on the Sabbath
The oral Torah, the law, the Tradition of the Elders, had the same authority in culture as the written Torah.
This non-written oral Torah had 39 categories of things you couldn't do on the Sabbath.
This non-written oral Torah had 39 categories of things you couldn't do on the Sabbath.
This is what happens when defending a...
Theological system
Political agenda
Party loyalty
...takes precedence over the people these things claim to serve.
Theological system
Political agenda
Party loyalty
...takes precedence over the people these things claim to serve.
We all need to look in the mirror.
We must all be careful.
We must all be honest, because...
We must all be careful.
We must all be honest, because...
When what's best for people is no longer what's most important to you, you are at odds with God.
God's priority is the race made in his image.
When you recognize who Jesus is, you will lose your fear of religion and you will lose your fear of religious people.
When you choose to follow Jesus, religion will lose its grip on you.
Wanna know what God is really like?
Watch me!
Watch me!
Wanna know what God would actually say?
Listen to me!
Listen to me!
Wanna know what God would actually do?
Follow me!
Follow me!
The Word has become flesh!
It's standing in front of you!
It's standing in front of you!
This is why the Gospels are so important.
The you beside you...
must take priority over the potentially flawed view...
that you carry around inside of you.
must take priority over the potentially flawed view...
that you carry around inside of you.
Your views are gonna change, but people are people and they're made in the image of God, and they have to take priority over our ever-changing views.
Does your version of religion or politics get in the way of loving people God loves?
Does your version of Christianity get in the way of loving people God loves?
God is Love.
So when you get on the wrong side of love, you're on the wrong side of God.
So when you get on the wrong side of love, you're on the wrong side of God.
Does your version of Christianity get in the way of loving people God loves?
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Wiregrass Church relies on your prayers and financial support in order to accomplish our mission of leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Thank you for supporting our mission and your local church.