First Free Church

Undivided: Dogma
Adam Bowers
Locations & Times
First Free Church
1375 Carman Rd, Ballwin, MO 63021, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Database and Directory
We’re building a digital directory that will launch in early 2020 and we need your help to make sure our information is up to date! If you’d like to be in the Directory, please opt-in at If you prefer to not be in the directory, please still update your profile - it helps us to communicate more effectively with you! Teams
You may not be called to full-time missions work, but you can still make an eternal impact on people’s lives through our short-term teams. This year, we have teams traveling to Ukraine, Czech Republic, Nicaragua, and more. You can learn more and apply at Choir
Come and make a joyful noise with us this Easter - – no choral experience necessary! We’re rehearsing February 25, March 10, March 24, March 31, and April 8. Sign up below let us know you’re coming! Local
First Free is excited to be hosting a presentation of the 2020 IF Gathering! Join us on February 28th and 29th to tune out all of the noise and chaos of the world around us and focus completely on Jesus. This is a great opportunity for women in our congregation and community to come together in community to worship and learn together. You can learn more and register at Collective Concert
Rend Collective is coming to First Free on March 5! Get your tickets below now! Thorn Tour 2020
The Thorn is a visually dynamic and heart-stirring theatrical portrayal of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Not your average Passion play, The Thorn combines martial arts, aerial acrobatics and emotionally powerful performances that have been engaging audiences across the US for over 20 years. There will be 3 showings of this amazing production - Friday, March 27 at 8 pm, Saturday, March 28 at 2 pm, and Sunday, March 29 at 2 pm. Get tickets below! Thorn Tour - Volunteers Needed!
The Thorn is a visually dynamic and heart-stirring theatrical portrayal of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are excited to be bringing this production to First Free to draw in people from our neighborhood who may hear the gospel for the first time in our building! A production of this size requires quite a few volunteers, so if you would like to help share the gospel and be a part of reaching out to our city and our community, we'd love to have you on board! Whether on stage with the cast or behind the scenes making it all happen, you will be taking part in a larger than life show with a larger than life mission. We need adults, teens, and kids in all kinds of roles, from on-stage talent to set up and take down. Learn more by clicking below! Eggstravaganza
Join us on April 4 for the 2nd Annual First Free Easter Eggstravaganza! We are so excited to open our doors to our community for another Easter Eggstravaganza! This FREE event includes multiple levels of egg hunts, Juggling Jeff, cake walks, inflatables, and a hot dog lunch! The event runs from 10 am – 1 pm. The event takes place indoors at First Free, so we get to celebrate rain or shine! Please plan to come in at the West entrance. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite friends and family to join in the fun! Friday Services
On April 10, we will be remembering the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our salvation through an intimate time of meditative music, devotion and communion. Times:• 2:00 pm (Chapel)• 4:00 pm (Auditorium)• 6:30 pm (Auditorium) Sunday Services
Join us on Sunday, April 12, at 9:00 am or 10:45 am in the main auditorium for a joyful celebration of Jesus' resurrection and the hope that we have in Him. Easter is a great opportunity to invite friends and family! Kid Connection will be open but Student Ministries and Adult Groups do not meet.
We'll be baptizing believers in both services on Sunday, April 26. If you're a follower of Jesus who hasn't yet been baptized, we encourage you to take this opportunity to do so! You can learn more and sign up at Team
We’re looking for volunteers to join our Photography Team! To get involved, fill out the form at volunteers needed!
Our AWANA ministry is booming! We have 14 kids on the waitlist and need more adult volunteers. If you have free time on Wednesday evenings and a heart for children, please contact for information on serving!
Groups at First Free
Groups at First Free are a place to belong. Groups provide an environment for discipleship and study. They give opportunities for hospitality. They help us to grow and learn about God, the Bible, ourselves, and each other. Groups do not supplant the church, but they provide a setting where believers can more fully realize what it means to be the church. To learn more and find your fit, click the link below!'re Hiring!
We've got a couple of open positions - come and join our team! Team Counseling
Life often includes challenges that are too big to face alone. Our lay Care Team Counselors are trained to walk alongside and assist people who are in need of hope, care, and direction. Counselors are available by appointment every Wednesday evening - email Trails Partnership Backpack Program
We are partnering with Carman Trails school to help support some of their students who face food insecurity. To help, please bring non-perishable, shelf-stable items (not canned, because of weight) to the hampers at the entrances to the building. Suggested items include fruit cups, prepared pasta meals, chicken/tuna packets, etc. Thank you for your generosity!
Ushers Needed!
Guest Connection is looking for ushers! We have openings in both services, so if you're interested, please contact
RightNow Media
Ready to grow in your faith? First Free has launched RightNow Media - it’s like the "Netflix of Video Bible Studies" and has a HUGE library of faith-based videos aimed at helping you grow. You can access the videos wherever you want (on your phone, computer, at home on your TV) and with whoever you want (alone, with your spouse, with your small group). Log in and look around!
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SOS - Servants On Site
God uniquely gifts every person for service, and SOS is a way to serve by using your maintenance skills on minor jobs such as painting, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, etc. To get involved, contact Tom Siener at 636.779.2160 or
Our sermons and Preparing for Worship emails are now available as podcasts!