Foothills Christian Church

The Woman at the Well | Mike Van Meter | January 18 & 19, 2020
Weekend Services
Locations & Times
Foothills Christian Church
365 W Bradley Ave, El Cajon, CA 92020, United States
Saturday 6:30 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM

Rosa Parks
Jewish and Samaritan Context
Three Issues Separating Jesus and the Woman at the Well:
1. She’s a Samaritan
1. She’s a Samaritan
Three Issues Separating Jesus and the Woman at the Well:
1. She’s a Samaritan
2. She’s a Woman
1. She’s a Samaritan
2. She’s a Woman
Three Issues Separating Jesus and the Woman at the Well:
1. She’s a Samaritan
2. She’s a Woman
3. She’s Immoral
1. She’s a Samaritan
2. She’s a Woman
3. She’s Immoral
The Gospel Compels Us
The Gospel is a Gift
The Gospel is for Sinners
The Spirit Leads us in Sharing the Gospel
The Gospel is True
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