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CrossWay Church

December 15th, 2019: Grace Empowered Growth: Titus 2:11-15

December 15th, 2019: Grace Empowered Growth: Titus 2:11-15

These are the Bible passage and sermon notes for our Sunday morning worship services.

Locations & Times

CrossWay Church Battle Ground

311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Titus 2:11-15 Grace Empowered Growth

I) God's grace ___________________ through Jesus!

A) Jesus offers the salvation to _____________ people.

B) If we believe in Christ’s ____________, God’s grace accomplished three things.

1) Christ’s grace ____________________ us from our wickedness. Jesus paid the price for our sin.

The Bible teaches us that we all sin and ______________ judgment / justice from God.

2) Christ’s grace ____________________ us so we can have a relationship with God.

We put on Christ’s __________________. God views and interacts with us based on it.

3) We become a part of the _________ of God through Christ’s grace.

II) God's grace __________________ our lives today!

A) God’s grace trains us to say ___________ to sinful things.

1) _________________ actions

2) __________________ thoughts and desires

What sinful habits or behaviors are you trying to overcome?
B) God’s grace empowers us to live the life that God has ______________ us to live.

What positive things would you like to grow in your life?

1) Internally: Self-_____________

2) Relationally with others: _____________ in our interactions.

3) Relationally with God: We have a godly & ______________ attitude.

III) Christ's final _____________ will appear in the future! We can always have hope no matter how hard life gets.