Foothills Christian Church
Becoming A Person of Influence| Mark Hoffman | December 7 & 8, 2019
Weekend Services
Locations & Times
  • Foothills Christian Church
    365 W Bradley Ave, El Cajon, CA 92020, United States
    Saturday 6:30 PM, Sunday 9:00 AM, Sunday 10:45 AM
The means by which God will begin to authenticate you and give you credibility is already in your hands.
How God Makes You a Person of Influence:
1.RECOGNIZE the potential of what you have already been given.
Exodus 4:2-3a
The Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?” And he said, “A staff.” 3 Then He said, “Throw it on the ground.”
How God Makes You a Person of Influence:
2. RELEASE what you have to the Lord.
How God Makes you a Person of Influence:
3. REST - You must trust in the Lord’s promises and provision during the transition.
Many of us have a conflict of interest with God regarding our life. We want ease, safety and comfort; He wants to make us overcoming sons and daughters.
Exodus 4:4a
But the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand and grasp it by its tail”
How God Makes you a Person of Influence:
4. RECEIVE your victory. When you face your problems and fears, you discover God’s transforming power.
Only when you face and gain victory over your problems do you get a testimony. And with a testimony comes credibility and credibility brings influence.
“You will have to look more redeemed if you want me to believe in your redeemer.”
Friedrich Neitsze
God gave Moses a second sign equally as important.
In order to influence people you have to both be able to identify with people and also be able to give them hope.
How God Makes you a Person of Influence:
5. RELATE to people in their brokenness and give them hope through your testimony.
RECOGNIZE the potential in what God has already given you.
RELEASE it into the Lord’s hand.
REST AND TRUST in His leading and provision during the transition.
RECEIVE your victory through the Lord’s power and working.
RELATE to people in their brokenness.

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