CrossWay Church
December 8th, 2019: Christians in the Workplace: Titus 2:9-10
These are the Bible passage and sermon notes for our Sunday morning worship services.
Locations & Times
CrossWay Church Battle Ground
311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
Titus 2:9-10: Christians in the Workplace
I) Sound Doctrine = Knowledge of Truth + Christ-like Behavior (Head knowledge is not biblical wisdom!)
II) Who were the slaves?
A) Slavery in America was race-based, ________, & involved kidnapping.
B) Slavery in Greco - Roman world was more nuanced.
1) Some slaves were captured prisoners of _________.
2) Many slaves were indentured servants working to pay off ________.
3) In the church, all were treated _____________.
C) Our _______________ would be the closest application.
III) How should Christians act in the workplace?
A) They should ___________ and respect to those in authority over them.
B) Striving to please God in our work should make our _______________ happy too.
How can you work differently knowing that the ultimate goal is to please God not your boss?
Do you do the bare minimum at work or do you try to strive to please?
C) Do not talk ____________.
What ways are you tempted to talk back to those in authority over you?
D) Do not ______________ from them,
How do people steal from their work? What are ways you might be doing this?
E) Be completely ___________________!
F) Make the gospel _________________ to your coworkers!
Are you adorning or diminishing the gospel at work?
I) Sound Doctrine = Knowledge of Truth + Christ-like Behavior (Head knowledge is not biblical wisdom!)
II) Who were the slaves?
A) Slavery in America was race-based, ________, & involved kidnapping.
B) Slavery in Greco - Roman world was more nuanced.
1) Some slaves were captured prisoners of _________.
2) Many slaves were indentured servants working to pay off ________.
3) In the church, all were treated _____________.
C) Our _______________ would be the closest application.
III) How should Christians act in the workplace?
A) They should ___________ and respect to those in authority over them.
B) Striving to please God in our work should make our _______________ happy too.
How can you work differently knowing that the ultimate goal is to please God not your boss?
Do you do the bare minimum at work or do you try to strive to please?
C) Do not talk ____________.
What ways are you tempted to talk back to those in authority over you?
D) Do not ______________ from them,
How do people steal from their work? What are ways you might be doing this?
E) Be completely ___________________!
F) Make the gospel _________________ to your coworkers!
Are you adorning or diminishing the gospel at work?