CrossWay Church

July 28th, 2019: Half-Hearted Obedience: Judges 1:1-2:5:
These are the Bible passage and sermon notes for our Sunday morning worship services.
Locations & Times
CrossWay Church Battle Ground
311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
Judges 1:1-2:5: Half Hearted Obedience
I) The Book of Judges' Backstory
A) The book of Genesis records how God ____________ his people through his promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
B) The book of Exodus records God using ___________ to deliver this huge nation from Egyptian enslavement.
C) The book of Joshua records how the nation of Israel ___________ the land and split it up between the 12 tribes.
D) Deuteronomy 7 describes God’s settlement plan.
1) Israel was supposed to ______________ settle in different areas so the land didn’t become overgrown.
2) God’s people could __________ Him to help them defeat their strong enemies.
3) Israel was commanded to destroy the people and their __________ so they would not be led astray.
4) This may sound harsh. It was a clear command to execute God’s judgment on the ____________ Canaanites.Christians today are commanded to join Christ’s saving mission.
II) Judges 1 describes how this settlement process actually went.
A) Things start off well.
1) The nation asked God what area they should settle first.
2) Caleb’s family & the Simeonites fully _______ God’s commands.
3) God gives initial _______________.
B) There is steady increase of ______________ and unfaithfulness.
1) It starts subtly when the men of Judah ________ the Simeonites to fight with them.
2) Theyrely on their _______ strength and cunningness rather than God’s power and wisdom.
3) The tribes listed in Judges 1:27-36 completely ___________ God’s command to drive out the Canaanites.
III) We can exhibit the same sinful patterns are in our lives.
A) We can rely on our own strength and cunningness rather than on God’s power and ____________.
B) We can become too comfortable with the ___________ around us and let it dictate more aspects of our lives than God’s word.
Where do you see these patterns in your life?
IV) The Angel of Lord called the people of Israel to repentance.
A) He reminded them of God’s _____________ promises and pointed out their failure to obey.
B) He __________ Israel what will happen if they continue to disobey.
C) The people __________ and sacrificed to the Lord.
V) God's Spirit calls us to repentance as well.
A) The Spirit _________ us of our sin and reminds us of Christ’s grace.
B) We have an opportunity to respond with _______________.
I) The Book of Judges' Backstory
A) The book of Genesis records how God ____________ his people through his promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
B) The book of Exodus records God using ___________ to deliver this huge nation from Egyptian enslavement.
C) The book of Joshua records how the nation of Israel ___________ the land and split it up between the 12 tribes.
D) Deuteronomy 7 describes God’s settlement plan.
1) Israel was supposed to ______________ settle in different areas so the land didn’t become overgrown.
2) God’s people could __________ Him to help them defeat their strong enemies.
3) Israel was commanded to destroy the people and their __________ so they would not be led astray.
4) This may sound harsh. It was a clear command to execute God’s judgment on the ____________ Canaanites.Christians today are commanded to join Christ’s saving mission.
II) Judges 1 describes how this settlement process actually went.
A) Things start off well.
1) The nation asked God what area they should settle first.
2) Caleb’s family & the Simeonites fully _______ God’s commands.
3) God gives initial _______________.
B) There is steady increase of ______________ and unfaithfulness.
1) It starts subtly when the men of Judah ________ the Simeonites to fight with them.
2) Theyrely on their _______ strength and cunningness rather than God’s power and wisdom.
3) The tribes listed in Judges 1:27-36 completely ___________ God’s command to drive out the Canaanites.
III) We can exhibit the same sinful patterns are in our lives.
A) We can rely on our own strength and cunningness rather than on God’s power and ____________.
B) We can become too comfortable with the ___________ around us and let it dictate more aspects of our lives than God’s word.
Where do you see these patterns in your life?
IV) The Angel of Lord called the people of Israel to repentance.
A) He reminded them of God’s _____________ promises and pointed out their failure to obey.
B) He __________ Israel what will happen if they continue to disobey.
C) The people __________ and sacrificed to the Lord.
V) God's Spirit calls us to repentance as well.
A) The Spirit _________ us of our sin and reminds us of Christ’s grace.
B) We have an opportunity to respond with _______________.