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The Church of Joy, Williamson Ga

Series: Ordinary Hereos     (Sermon 6 - Timothy)

Series: Ordinary Hereos (Sermon 6 - Timothy)

Sunday Morning Sermon by Pastor Vaughn Drawdy

Locations & Times

The Church of Joy

3080 GA-362, Williamson, GA 30292, USA

Sunday 10:45 AM

The Bible is full of ordinary people that God has walked with, encouraged, empowered, and placed in hard places in order that His name be made great. These were ORDINARY people. But with God, they did extraordinary things. Their lives have been recorded for us to see, examine and find encouraging insight in our daily lives. In this series we will look at many ordinary people who God used.

Today we are going to look at the life of Timothy. Let's start with these thoughts:
Timothy – one of the most important and most interesting characters in the New Testament – story is hard to piece together. To get a full picture, a better understanding - we have to put all this bits together.

First - It is interesting to note that the name "Timothy" means honoring God. As you observe Timothy in the Text you will fine that he lived up to his name.
More details about his life:
>A native of Lystra – those days was in the region of Lycaonia in the Roman province of Galatia – modern day Turkey.
>Son of a mixed marriage. Father Greek, Mother Jewish. When Timothy was a child, his mother Eunice and his grandmother Lois taught him the Scriptures (2 Tim. 1:5; 3:15). Brought him up in their faith.
>He may have been converted on Paul’s first missionary journey (Acts 14:6-23). Paul referred to Timothy as his child in the faith (1 Cor. 4:17; 1 Tim. 1:2; 2 Tim. 1:2). This probably means that Paul was instrumental in Timothy’s conversion.
>Grew quickly in the faith, when Paul came to Lystra on his second journey, Timothy was a disciple who was well respected by the believers (Acts 16:1-2).
>Paul must have seen something special in this young believer and decided to take him under his wing (Paul discipled Timothy). Paul asked Timothy to go with him. Says a lot about Timothy that he said yes, was willing to leave behind family, plans and ambitions to go with Paul.
>Mixed family, caught between to cultures. (Looked down on by Jews.)
>Traveled with Paul and Silas
>Possibly timid and not a very forceful person
>Paul and Timothy are listed as authors of six of Paul's letters
>Two letters in New Testament are just to Timothy
>Timothy was given the task to lead the church in Ephesus
>Timothy was put in prison for his faith
>Last we hear in the Text is that Timothy was still involved in active gospel ministry late in life
What can we learn?
1. Useful to God when he was young and when he was older

1 Tim. 4:12 “don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young”

>God doesn’t measure us by our age – young or old.
>God can make our lives special whether we are young or old or in between.

It is wrong to judge people by their age. God used many young and old to do great things.

Note: Not every one will understand your calling, don’t get discouraged.

God sees the value of the all. God has called us all to join His story of redemption and has called us all to be ministers of reconciliation - no matter our age.

Timothy wanted to be used by God. God can use your life – have to say are you willing? Willing to be a Timothy and set aside your ambitions and allow God to make even more of your life.
2. Timothy was faithful in small matters and was then entrusted with large ones.
Spiritual principle – When we are faithful in small matters God will entrust us with larger responsibilities.

God looks to the willing heart to see who can be trusted with spiritual responsibilities. He saw in Timothy, young and timid as he was, a person whom he could use for His church and His Kingdom.

When God looks at our hearts what does he see? Does he see the loyalty to Him and His people that he wants to find?

God has a purpose and a plan for your life. He desires to work in you so that He may be known through you. Are you willing?

Are there things in your life that seem to be in the way of being used by God? Are you limiting your effectiveness because of them? Age, talent, time, timidity...

Ask God to help you, show you, equip you and empower you to walk with strength and be used to make His love known. He is willing.
Spiritual principle – When we are faithful in small matters God will entrust us with larger responsibilities.

God looks to the willing heart to see who can be trusted with spiritual responsibilities. He saw in Timothy, young and timid as he was, a person whom he could use for His church and His Kingdom.

This comes at a price. We must value our relationship with God above all.
Jesus said - Matt. 5:33 - (V's version - Seek first God's kingdom and the right kind of relationship with Him and the cares of life will be taken care of.)