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Elements City Church

Summer in the Psalms - Psalm 139

Summer in the Psalms - Psalm 139

This summer we’re going to spend some time in one of the most treasured books in the Bible – the Book of Psalms. They are ancient worship songs and poems that help us see God more clearly and help us engage with Him relationally. We’re challenging ALL OF US to READ through the Psalms together in the month of June and again in July. You can find that ‘youversion’ reading plan on our app – click on BIBLE tab on home page of the app or pick up a bookmark with the reading plan at Elements Next Steps table. Lean in with us this summer and see how God will meet us and stir our hearts with the Psalms.

Locations & Times

Elements City Church

1825 N Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ 85712, USA

Sunday 5:00 PM

Thanks for joining us...

We pray that tonight would be encouraging for you. If you're a guest here with us, we want to INVITE you to our 10 Minute Party immediately following service. We'd love to meet you and we have a free gift just for you. Click the link below to see THE WEEKLY - our digital announcements/info for all things happening in and around Elements...or find everything ya need in our app.
Tonight, we examine one of the most recognized and beloved Psalms, Psalm 139
There’s a big biblical word for this called: omniscience. It’s a fancy way of saying that God knows EVERYTHING. God has the capacity within Him, to know us completely. Each of us.
This is known as God's omnipresence. He's everywhere AT THE SAME TIME!

You think the world is big? He’s bigger. You think the universe is grand and enormous? He’s grander. He’s so great, that even if you WANT to run away from Him, you can’t. God is with you despite your imperfections!
I love this because it exemplifies the fact that we are a people with a tendency to run and hide but that God is a creator with a desire to seek and find. In the ultimate game of hide and seek God would win.
In God’s reckless love for us, He sent his son to the cross. Jesus Christ came to destroy our sin in the sight of God. He came so that we don’t have to run and hide or feel shame. God loves us with an unrelenting, crazy kind of love.
This is saying that you were made with personal care by God. You were thought of by God way before you were thought of by your parents.

There’s a word, omnipotent, which simply means all-powerful. And in all of God’s power, when he could of made anyone else, he decided to create you. Nobody in this room or on this earth is an accident or a mistake.
God knit and weaved all of us together with purpose and passion with the intent to love and be loved.
After reading about how GREAT God is in verses 1-16; WHAT IS OUR RESPONSE TO HIS GREATNESS?If God knows us. If he is with us and chose to create us, what is our response to that greatness?
And then David goes into this really hard part of the psalm. David asks, “shouldn’t I despise those who oppose you?”
We don’t often think of God as a God who hates things, right? He’s a good shepherd, he’s abba father, he’s love.
But here’s what I figured out as I prayed and processed through this. In Proverbs 6 Solomon says:
"There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes (a proud heart), a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community."
We don’t like to think about God hating anything - it’s just one of those characteristics we ignore. But there are things that he despises! It’s biblical and we’re called to stand with him in this. Knowing God’s greatness, David wants to be more like Him. He wants to be - and is choosing to be - an advocate for Him in this world.
The psalm starts with David knowing that God searched his heart and ends with David inviting him to do it again. And again. And again. It’s a continual process.

Although God has the ability to search us BEFORE we give Him permission, He is a God of invitation and relationship.

One of my favorite C.S. Lewis quotes is from The Great Divorce where he says, “There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God,"Thy will be done," and those to whom God says, in the end, "Thy will be done."
You are no less valuable to God because of the struggles you’re facing. GOD KNOWS YOU FULLY AND LOVES YOU UNCONDITIONALLY.
This Psalm closes with one of the great simple prayers in all the Bible - we invite you to come back to this prayer often!

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts (my fears. my insecurities). Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life."
....we've got some of our prayer team and pastors available following service to pray with you. You can also submit your prayer request via our app. We look forward to partnering with you in prayer.

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we throw a 10-minute party immediately following the service in the back corner of the room, if you're new, we'd love to meet you and welcome you! We invite you back next weekend as we continue this series...