Dover Assembly of God

6.9.2019 | 2 Peter - Week 1
Locations & Times
Dover Assembly of God
4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Welcome to Dover Assembly of God! We're glad that you've joined us this morning. If you're on Facebook, we encourage you to take a moment to check in at Dover Assembly. Week's Bulletin
June 9, 2019
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
12:00 pm ~ Spaghetti Dinner-Benefits Girls Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:30 pm ~ FAMILY NIGHT
Girls Ministry Retreat
6:00 pm ~ Women’s Dinner-Isaac’s (If there is enough interest)
6:30 pm ~ Saturday Night Spanish Service
Women of Purpose Dinner
The ladies will be meeting at Isaac’s restaurant at 6:00 pm on Friday, June 14. Sign up in the upper foyer. See the insert for all the WOP events.
Women of Purpose - Save the Date Events
The women have a multitude of events scheduled for the near future. Please see the insertfor the entire event schedule for the upcoming months.
FALL CONFERENCE NEWS: We would like to do an early registration in June so we are able to secure a group section for seating. If you plan on attending, please sign up in the upper foyer. We can register after June, but the closer we are to the right count, the better our seating will be.
Vacation Bible School
Mark your calendars for this 4 day event. It will be held Aug 4-7. The theme is Video Games and the title we have chosen is “POWER UP”. Donations of $5.00 / $10.00 / $25.00 gift cards to purchase gifts and supplies are being accepted at this time.
Young Adult Ministry
We are beginning a Young Adult Ministry geared to young single adults, ages post-high school to 30. Katie Jones will be heading this up. If you would like to be on the ground floor of this new ministry, please sign up in the lower foyer. We will have an informational meeting once we have sufficient interest.
Saturday Evening Spanish Service
In addition to the regular Sunday afternoon service, Pastor Luis has started a Saturday evening service, beginning at 6:30 pm. Continue to pray for Pastor Luis and this tremendous outreach.
Dover Assembly Talents & Giftings
Has God given you a unique talent or ability? Do you play an instrument? Do you sing? Do you do interpretive dance? If the answer to any of these is yes, then Anna is looking for you! Be sure to see her and let her know of you abilities!
Online Giving
In the age of smart phones, websites, social media and electronic banking, our church wants to be sure that we are exploring every technology that will ultimately benefit the work of God here in Dover Assembly. We have partnered with the company and put a link on our website and phone app that will permit online giving.
You can learn more and give online at
Special Thanks
To Anna, Jamie, and the entire Girls Ministries team (and other helpers) for the wonderful service and luncheon last Sunday for the Crowning Service!
Lost Items
Someone left a set of keys at the church 2 weeks ago. If you think they might be yours, see Pastor Jeff. If other items have been left behind, they usually make their way to the information center. Please check there if you are missing anything.
Ladies Hats
If you attended our Women’s Hat making day, and your hat is hanging on the wall of the sanctuary, please take it home with you today.
June 13-15 ~ Girls Ministry Retreat
June 14 ~ WOP Dinner-Isaac’s
June 16 ~ Father’s Day
July 13 ~ Men’s Breakfast
July 19 ~ WOP Women’s Summer Refresher (note date change!)
Aug 4-7 ~ VBS
Aug 9 ~ WOP Women’s Summer Book Club Dinner
Sept 1-8 ~ Dover Fireman’s Fair
Sept 7 ~ “Fearless” Youth Event
Sept 15 ~ “Invite Your One” Day
Sept 25 ~ See You at the Pole
Oct 5 ~ Dover Parade
Oct 18-19 ~ Men’s Conference @ CLA
Please take time to review and pray for those on this list. Drop them a card or call to set up a time to visit. They will be blessed!
~ Helen S.
~ Beulah S
Prayer Needs
~ Robin H.
~ Rose K
~ Phil & Murina S.
~ Marian T.
~ Mary S.
~ Lois P.
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
12:00 pm ~ Spaghetti Dinner-Benefits Girls Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:30 pm ~ FAMILY NIGHT
Girls Ministry Retreat
6:00 pm ~ Women’s Dinner-Isaac’s (If there is enough interest)
6:30 pm ~ Saturday Night Spanish Service
Women of Purpose Dinner
The ladies will be meeting at Isaac’s restaurant at 6:00 pm on Friday, June 14. Sign up in the upper foyer. See the insert for all the WOP events.
Women of Purpose - Save the Date Events
The women have a multitude of events scheduled for the near future. Please see the insertfor the entire event schedule for the upcoming months.
FALL CONFERENCE NEWS: We would like to do an early registration in June so we are able to secure a group section for seating. If you plan on attending, please sign up in the upper foyer. We can register after June, but the closer we are to the right count, the better our seating will be.
Vacation Bible School
Mark your calendars for this 4 day event. It will be held Aug 4-7. The theme is Video Games and the title we have chosen is “POWER UP”. Donations of $5.00 / $10.00 / $25.00 gift cards to purchase gifts and supplies are being accepted at this time.
Young Adult Ministry
We are beginning a Young Adult Ministry geared to young single adults, ages post-high school to 30. Katie Jones will be heading this up. If you would like to be on the ground floor of this new ministry, please sign up in the lower foyer. We will have an informational meeting once we have sufficient interest.
Saturday Evening Spanish Service
In addition to the regular Sunday afternoon service, Pastor Luis has started a Saturday evening service, beginning at 6:30 pm. Continue to pray for Pastor Luis and this tremendous outreach.
Dover Assembly Talents & Giftings
Has God given you a unique talent or ability? Do you play an instrument? Do you sing? Do you do interpretive dance? If the answer to any of these is yes, then Anna is looking for you! Be sure to see her and let her know of you abilities!
Online Giving
In the age of smart phones, websites, social media and electronic banking, our church wants to be sure that we are exploring every technology that will ultimately benefit the work of God here in Dover Assembly. We have partnered with the company and put a link on our website and phone app that will permit online giving.
You can learn more and give online at
Special Thanks
To Anna, Jamie, and the entire Girls Ministries team (and other helpers) for the wonderful service and luncheon last Sunday for the Crowning Service!
Lost Items
Someone left a set of keys at the church 2 weeks ago. If you think they might be yours, see Pastor Jeff. If other items have been left behind, they usually make their way to the information center. Please check there if you are missing anything.
Ladies Hats
If you attended our Women’s Hat making day, and your hat is hanging on the wall of the sanctuary, please take it home with you today.
June 13-15 ~ Girls Ministry Retreat
June 14 ~ WOP Dinner-Isaac’s
June 16 ~ Father’s Day
July 13 ~ Men’s Breakfast
July 19 ~ WOP Women’s Summer Refresher (note date change!)
Aug 4-7 ~ VBS
Aug 9 ~ WOP Women’s Summer Book Club Dinner
Sept 1-8 ~ Dover Fireman’s Fair
Sept 7 ~ “Fearless” Youth Event
Sept 15 ~ “Invite Your One” Day
Sept 25 ~ See You at the Pole
Oct 5 ~ Dover Parade
Oct 18-19 ~ Men’s Conference @ CLA
Please take time to review and pray for those on this list. Drop them a card or call to set up a time to visit. They will be blessed!
~ Helen S.
~ Beulah S
Prayer Needs
~ Robin H.
~ Rose K
~ Phil & Murina S.
~ Marian T.
~ Mary S.
~ Lois P.
Women of Purpose Events Bulletin Insert the Dover Assembly app!
Connect with Dover Assembly as we connect to God, build people, and offer hope. Keep up to date with the latest news and events, watch our latest videos, and more all within our app! you for your faithfulness!
You can now give to Dover Assembly online at your convenience. Click the link to learn more!
June 9, 2019 - Pastor Jeff Bender
We're beginning a new series today to look at an epistle that we may or may not spend a lot of time in -- 2nd Peter.
Before we look at verse 1, let’s do some due diligence and find out the reason for this and the motivation behind what Peter is writing.
First, let’s look at Peter. We all know Peter in his younger years was kind of impetuous and over confident when Jesus was trying to teach them.
He was the one who said let’s build 3 tents for Moses Elijah & Jesus.
Before we look at verse 1, let’s do some due diligence and find out the reason for this and the motivation behind what Peter is writing.
First, let’s look at Peter. We all know Peter in his younger years was kind of impetuous and over confident when Jesus was trying to teach them.
He was the one who said let’s build 3 tents for Moses Elijah & Jesus.
He was the one who didn’t want Jesus to be crucified.
He cut off the ear of one arresting Jesus. He wanted to fight!
Here was a guy who was on fire, but had little knowledge.
He was also the one who denied Jesus 3 times. Yet Jesus made it a point to find him afterwards.
He slept when he should have prayed, he talked when he should have listened. He was a courageous but careless Christian.
Can anyone identify with Peter? Who can look back at your life and see areas that you really messed up? Wish you could change?
Maybe it was after you became a Christian or maybe it was even before then.
So here we have a young guy who made a lot of mistakes, but as he is writing 2 Peter, he is an old man now. He has learned his lessons over the years and is now a mature believer.
He sits down and writes 1st Peter. It was estimated it was written around 65AD.
That epistle emphasizes grace amidst suffering.
He was also the one who denied Jesus 3 times. Yet Jesus made it a point to find him afterwards.
He slept when he should have prayed, he talked when he should have listened. He was a courageous but careless Christian.
Can anyone identify with Peter? Who can look back at your life and see areas that you really messed up? Wish you could change?
Maybe it was after you became a Christian or maybe it was even before then.
So here we have a young guy who made a lot of mistakes, but as he is writing 2 Peter, he is an old man now. He has learned his lessons over the years and is now a mature believer.
He sits down and writes 1st Peter. It was estimated it was written around 65AD.
That epistle emphasizes grace amidst suffering.
So now about one year later, he writes 2nd Peter.
2nd Peter would be his last writing as he was now going to be executed.
2nd Peter would be his last writing as he was now going to be executed.
I thought about what I would want to do and say if I knew my life was soon going to end. I think I would want to be around other believers and family and I would try to tell them everything I think would help them after I am gone.
I would want to impart all my years of wisdom, learning from MY mistakes so they won’t have to.
That is what this letter is all about. He starts out as all letters at that time did, with the author’s name first, but then he adds who he is . . .
I would want to impart all my years of wisdom, learning from MY mistakes so they won’t have to.
That is what this letter is all about. He starts out as all letters at that time did, with the author’s name first, but then he adds who he is . . .
Hopefully people who know me will say something similar about me as time goes by.
Peter wanted those who read this letter to understand not only who he was, but WHOSE he was.
Peter wanted those who read this letter to understand not only who he was, but WHOSE he was.
He is writing to other believers. These aren’t just any group, these are folks he has a relationship with.
We don’t know if this refers to 1 Peter, but in either case, he has communicated with them at least twice. He knows they are believers and share the same faith as he has.
If I knew this would be my last chance to talk or communicate with anyone, I think I would like to be around other believers.
And being an apostle, we can assume that these folks were ones that he led to the Lord and taught them about being a Christian.
So now as his last chance to teach them, he wants to make sure he leaves them with as much knowledge as he can.
One last chance to have a positive effect on their lives.
If I knew this would be my last chance to talk or communicate with anyone, I think I would like to be around other believers.
And being an apostle, we can assume that these folks were ones that he led to the Lord and taught them about being a Christian.
So now as his last chance to teach them, he wants to make sure he leaves them with as much knowledge as he can.
One last chance to have a positive effect on their lives.
He wants them to experience the same grace and peace that he has over the years. He received grace when Jesus called him back after his denials.
1 Peter talks about having peace in the midst of suffering and he wants them to have the same.
As we get older, don’t we want our kids and church family to experience the same blessings that we have? Don’t we want them to not make the same mistakes we did?
Peter wants the same for them, but he ends that sentence with how to get it.
1 Peter talks about having peace in the midst of suffering and he wants them to have the same.
As we get older, don’t we want our kids and church family to experience the same blessings that we have? Don’t we want them to not make the same mistakes we did?
Peter wants the same for them, but he ends that sentence with how to get it.
Truly the only way anyone can experience Grace and Peace is through our knowledge and understanding of God’s word.
You can’t have them if you try to get it yourself, or if you try to find it somewhere else. You can’t even get it through a pastor or parent or friend.
We can try our best to make you have grace and peace, but the only way to receive grace and peace is through what we know about what God says about it.
What I say as a parent or pastor may last for a moment, but once I’m gone, the only thing that remains is God’s word.
Peter is trying to tell them, don’t look to me for it, look to God’s word for it.
He then goes on to tell them what to expect when they do go to God’s word.
You can’t have them if you try to get it yourself, or if you try to find it somewhere else. You can’t even get it through a pastor or parent or friend.
We can try our best to make you have grace and peace, but the only way to receive grace and peace is through what we know about what God says about it.
What I say as a parent or pastor may last for a moment, but once I’m gone, the only thing that remains is God’s word.
Peter is trying to tell them, don’t look to me for it, look to God’s word for it.
He then goes on to tell them what to expect when they do go to God’s word.
What things has God given to us as believers? What has God given us that enables us to live this life and be godly?
1 Corinthians 12 tells us all the gifts that every believer has, but notice how it is phrased.
God has divine power that he imparts to us to live how he wants us to live, act like he wants us to act.
The way we receive that power is through our knowledge of Christ.
How do we get our knowledge of Christ? Through His word!
1 Corinthians 12 tells us all the gifts that every believer has, but notice how it is phrased.
God has divine power that he imparts to us to live how he wants us to live, act like he wants us to act.
The way we receive that power is through our knowledge of Christ.
How do we get our knowledge of Christ? Through His word!
It says “through these”, through what? His Glory and Goodness in 2 Peter 1:3. So through God’s glory and goodness, he has given us. . .
We have great promises because they are promises from God.
We have precious promises because they are valuable to us.
The promises are in God’s word, and if we didn’t have God’s word, we would lose out on our knowledge of them.
God’s word is precious to us.
When we come to know Christ, we now have his divine nature. It doesn’t mean we are Gods, but it means God through the Holy Spirit imparts to us His nature.
Children acquire the nature of their parents, they become like you. They witness your behavior and they adopt your behavior. They learn your behavior.
As Christians, we now have the nature of our father. Thru His word, we witness his character, his behavior and through God’s word, we adopt his nature.
Nature dictates behavior.
What is our nature, what is our bent? Animals have their nature. Lions eat meat, sheep eat grass, eagles fly, fish swim.
Unbelievers have their nature.
We have great promises because they are promises from God.
We have precious promises because they are valuable to us.
The promises are in God’s word, and if we didn’t have God’s word, we would lose out on our knowledge of them.
God’s word is precious to us.
When we come to know Christ, we now have his divine nature. It doesn’t mean we are Gods, but it means God through the Holy Spirit imparts to us His nature.
Children acquire the nature of their parents, they become like you. They witness your behavior and they adopt your behavior. They learn your behavior.
As Christians, we now have the nature of our father. Thru His word, we witness his character, his behavior and through God’s word, we adopt his nature.
Nature dictates behavior.
What is our nature, what is our bent? Animals have their nature. Lions eat meat, sheep eat grass, eagles fly, fish swim.
Unbelievers have their nature.
But as believers, we now have a new nature.
We have God’s divine nature, we are like our father, if we know His word.
That word-fed nature allows us to what...?
That word-fed nature allows us to what...?
The more we study God’s word, the less interest we will have in the wicked things going on around us.
Remember what we said at the outset. Peter knows this is his last chance to share with the people he has a relationship with. He wants to tell them as much information as possible in a short amount of time--to make their lives better.
Whatever wisdom and knowledge we have acquired over the years, we want that to be a blessing to those we know.
We want those we love to experience the blessings we have and to avoid the problems we faced.
Next week, we’ll look at how Peter says to avoid the corruption.
Remember what we said at the outset. Peter knows this is his last chance to share with the people he has a relationship with. He wants to tell them as much information as possible in a short amount of time--to make their lives better.
Whatever wisdom and knowledge we have acquired over the years, we want that to be a blessing to those we know.
We want those we love to experience the blessings we have and to avoid the problems we faced.
Next week, we’ll look at how Peter says to avoid the corruption.
Thank you for joining us!
If you haven't already, be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media @doverassembly! Have a great week!
http://doverassembly.comWatch on Vimeo!
Miss part of the sermon or want to share it with others? Catch the replay on Vimeo!