Southview Baptist Church
Growing MORE Christ Followers
Follow along with Pastor Aaron's sermon at Southview Baptist Church in Lincoln, NE.
Locations & Times
Southview Baptist Church
3434 S 13th St, Lincoln, NE 68502, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
Growing Christ Followers is Our Purpose
What are we doing now?
How are we doing now?
What are we doing now?
How are we doing now?
Growing 20% is Our Goal
Why such an audacious goal?
How will we meet such a goal?
Why such an audacious goal?
How will we meet such a goal?
20 by 20 is Our Plan
That is 20% more people by June 1, 2020.
1. Connecting folks who already call Southview home.
2. Guiding guests to membership and members to relationships and ministry.
3. Inviting everyone in our sphere of influence.
4. Reaching out to our community.
5. Sharing the Gospel with those apart from Christ.
6. Improving our facilities.
7. Imploring God to bring revival to our hearts and church.
That is 20% more people by June 1, 2020.
1. Connecting folks who already call Southview home.
2. Guiding guests to membership and members to relationships and ministry.
3. Inviting everyone in our sphere of influence.
4. Reaching out to our community.
5. Sharing the Gospel with those apart from Christ.
6. Improving our facilities.
7. Imploring God to bring revival to our hearts and church.
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