Hills Church | Laguna Hills CA

Hills Church | Sunday, March 17, 2019
HillsChurchOC.com Hills Church meets at 10 AM on Sundays | 26062 Merit Circle, Laguna Hills CA
Locations & Times
Hills Church
26062 Merit Cir, Laguna Hills, CA 92653, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
Check in at Hills Church on Facebook
When you check-in at Hills Church, you're telling hundreds of your friends where you are and recommending your church in the process - taking “inviting” friends to church to a whole new level! Click the link and "check-in.
Also, feel free to share our live video!
https://www.facebook.com/hillschurchocAlso, feel free to share our live video!
Happy St Patrick's Day from Tim and Kristina O'Toole
As you know, this Sunday, March 17th, is St Patrick's Day and we've put together a short St Patrick's Day video greeting (under 3 mins) for you and your church.This video will give you a chance to see and hear, from our Irish friends, the impact your support is having in our city.
https://www.facebook.com/Irelandcrossroads/videos/1153396044838379/3 PARTS OF THE SOUL:
> Mind
> Will
> Emotion
> Mind
> Will
> Emotion
> Is not an option
> Is a form of pride
> Is not an option
> Is a form of pride
We should be living with a “renewed mind” which then keeps our emotions in check that we can walk in God’s will. @hamilton_jayme
Forgiveness: Your Health Depends on It
Conflict doesn’t just weigh down the spirit; it can lead to physical health issues. But these steps from a Johns Hopkins expert can help you move toward forgiveness—and better health.
https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/healthy_aging/healthy_connections/forgiveness-your-health-depends-on-itDE-CLUTTERING OUR SOUL
> Ask for forgiveness for not forgiving
> Take an inventory
> Bless
> Ask for forgiveness for not forgiving
> Take an inventory
> Bless
> It makes room for the Holy Spirit to transform us
> It creates unity
> Forgiveness is the key to unity
> Love is what others see
> It makes room for the Holy Spirit to transform us
> It creates unity
> Forgiveness is the key to unity
> Love is what others see
When we forgive, it expresses our love for God and we live with a soul that is whole.
When we forgive, it expresses our love for God and we live with a soul that is whole.
Do you have a prayer request?
If you are in trouble, let us pray for you. If you are happy, let us rejoice with you. Prayer is an important and active ministry in our church’s life. We consider it a privilege to partner our faith with yours as God is invited into life’s circumstances.
http://hillschurchoc.com/need-prayer/prayer/Tithes and Offerings
Giving is an amazing reflection of our relationship with God. At Hills Church we believe that giving is also an integral part of our worship. We desire to both honor God and partner with him to be a blessing to the world around us. Give online securely via EasyTithe.