First Free Church

Christmas Eve - Light of the World
Adam Bowers
Locations & Times
First Free Church
1375 Carman Rd, Ballwin, MO 63021, USA
Monday 6:30 PM
Take Back Black Friday - Give Now!
If you missed out on our Take Back Black Friday offering, no worries! You can give through December 31 at Be sure to select ‘Take Back Black Friday’ in the dropdown menu! Holiday Schedule
Tuesday, December 25:
Church campus closed.
Sunday, December 30:
ONE service at 10:45 am. Please join us in the Activity Center at 10 am for a light breakfast before the service!
Monday, December 31:
Church campus closed.
Tuesday, January 1:
Church campus closed.
Church campus closed.
Sunday, December 30:
ONE service at 10:45 am. Please join us in the Activity Center at 10 am for a light breakfast before the service!
Monday, December 31:
Church campus closed.
Tuesday, January 1:
Church campus closed.
December 30: ONE Service
On December 30, we will have ONE service only, at 10:45 am. The Nursery will be available for children 2 and under. Regular Kid Connection, Student Ministries, and Adult Communities will not meet. Please join us for a light breakfast in the Activity Center at 10 am!
Women's Worship and Prayer
Our monthly women's worship and prayer gathering meets on the 1st Saturday of each month. We meet in Room 341 from 8:30 - 10:00 am, and we provide the coffee! Join us for time spent with the Lord and your sisters in Christ.
Women's Winter Bible Studies
Registration for our Women's Winter Bible studies is open! Visit to learn more and register. with Christ Deep Dive
What does the Bible mean when it says we are “in Christ” or Christ is “in us?” Join John Richardson, Executive Pastor of Discipleship, and Michael Proctor in a three-hour exploration of the Christian’s union with Christ. Through teaching, group discussion, and table exercises, participants will better understand this important doctrine and taste the full life that is available through the application of this truth. This event will take place on January 19 from 9 am - noon. The cost is $10, which includes a light breakfast .Register at Connection Open House
Kid Connection is hosting an open house on January 27! Stop by after service between 12:15 and 1:30 pm and get a glimpse into what happens downstairs on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, and how we minister to the young families and children of First Free. Lunch will be provided. RSVP to
Ushers Needed!
Guest Connection is looking for ushers! We have openings in both services, so if you're interested, please contact
Carman Trails Partnership Backpack Program
We are partnering with Carman Trails school to help support some of their students who face food insecurity. To help, please bring non-perishable, shelf-stable items (not canned, because of weight) to the hampers at the entrances to the building. Suggested items include fruit cups, prepared pasta meals, chicken/tuna packets, etc. Thank you for your generosity!
Care Team Counseling
Life often includes challenges that are too big to face alone. Our lay Care Team Counselors are trained to walk alongside and assist people who are in need of hope, care, and direction. Counselors are available by appointment every Thursday evening - email Media
Ready to grow in your faith? First Free has launched RightNow Media - it’s like the "Netflix of Video Bible Studies" and has a HUGE library of faith-based videos aimed at helping you grow. You can access the videos wherever you want (on your phone, computer, at home on your TV) and with whoever you want (alone, with your spouse, with your small group). Log in and look around!
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Didn’t get the email? Check your spam or visit
SOS - Servants On Site
God uniquely gifts every person for service, and SOS is a way to serve by using your maintenance skills on minor jobs such as painting, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, etc. To get involved, contact Tom Siener at 636.779.2160 or
First Free Podcasts
Our sermons and Preparing for Worship emails are now available as podcasts!