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Elements City Church

PG-3 - wk3 Influencing your kids relationships and leveraging their lives

PG-3 - wk3 Influencing your kids relationships and leveraging their lives

We want to help our children and the next generation grow relationally rich with us, with God and with others. It’s relationships that bless our lives. So we want to unpack how to foster growth, health and biblically rich development within those relationships. We'll look into 3 key questions to help cultivate relationally-rich children and the truths the Scriptures provide for parenting and investing in the next gen.

Locations & Times

Elements City Church

1825 N Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ 85712, USA

Sunday 5:00 PM

Thanks for being with us...

We hope you had a great Thanksgiving! We pray that tonight would be encouraging for you. If you're a guest here with us, we want to INVITE you to our 10 Minute Party immediately following service. We'd love to meet you and we have a free gift just for you. Click the link below to see THE WEEKLY - our digital announcements/info for all things happening in and around Elements...or find everything ya need in our app.
We want to bring some biblical parental guidance. Principles, not just for parents – this is for grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends…because all of us care about the children God has put in our lives and we all have an interest to invest in the next generation.
Hebrew word for train (ḥānaḵ) means to dedicate...
‘Dedicate the child to God,’ ‘Prepare the child for their future responsibilities,’ ‘Exercise or train the child for adulthood’ ”
There’s also stories in the Scriptures that point out some truths to us as it comes to relationships. Think back to Joseph's story - his beginning and ending of his story show great growth (even relationally).
Truth: We can all get better relationally.
Emotionally Healthy (EQ) (self awareness, self management, social awareness, social management). Check out Daniel Goldman's book: Emotional Intelligence (1995)

EQ is a better indicator of health, success and advantage in life than your IQ. Your IQ is pretty much set, but your EQ can be worked on
Be Safe / Be FOR:
Be a “safe place” relationally for your kid and for your kids friends. Able to help process life’s hurts and headaches. Able to process any question. Able to champion your child through it all.
PRACTICE ROMANS 12:15 within your family!!!!
Be For them:that doesn’t mean we let them do whatever.
that means we discipline FOR their future good and we CHEER FOR them in every season; for their current good and future good. We are FOR them, not against them (even when they may feel you’re against them b/c of healthy boundaries placed around them.)
Boundaries are like guardrails in driving = they are there to keep you moving forward and protect you from plunging over the cliffs of life
Speak Life:
Be one who speaks life over them, into them. Be a mentor that passes along wisdom, helps and insights to them.
Teach the balance between independence and dependence.
(independent: able to do) we want our kids to grow, mature - to be able TO DO things for themselves; we need to encourage and celebrate those accomplishments - but we also want them to remain dependent upon God.
Be an influencer – train them up to be an influencer!
Jesus said: YOU are Salt and Light in this world. Train up your child to be an influencer for God and His Good in our world!
*each child has a calling within them – leverage their passions, abilities, giftings' for God and his good in any and every way they can. Help them see life as being bigger than them and to grow into their calling to be an influencer!
Live your life for a greater story!
We can share God’s spotlight – but he doesn’t share ours.
How do we help kids see this?:
-Giving to greater causes
-Praying for other things than just your family; help them see that you live with a bigger mission in mind
So ask the question: what am I doing to influence my kids relationships
and helping them leverage their lives for God and His good?
NEED PRAYER? ....we've got some of our prayer team and pastors available following service to pray with you. You can also submit your prayer request via our app. We look forward to partnering with you in prayer.

Thanks for partnering with us...

Every gift you give enables us to move the mission of Elements and the Hope and Light of Jesus forward in our city and beyond. Thank you for financially & faithfully partnering with us! You can give here, online or easily within our free app on your phone or tablet.
If YOU'RE NEW, please join us in the back of the room for our 10 MINUTE PARTY.If you're NEW it's just for YOU! and it starts as soon as service is over.