First Free Church

Mark: Part 7 (Week 6)
Adam Bowers | Mark 16:1-20
Locations & Times
First Free Church
1375 Carman Rd, Ballwin, MO 63021, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Take Back Black Friday
Each year we pledge to spend less on Black Friday so that we can give more to help others know the hope of Jesus. Our offerings have been used to change lives all around the world! This year, funds raised will be split between two projects: Mission Gate’s Promises of Hope Ranch in Troy, Missouri, and Trinity Video Seminary (TVS). Please visit to learn more about these great projects! The offering will be taken on November 25, or give anytime at Be sure to select ‘Take Back Black Friday’ in the dropdown menu! Christmas Decorating
'Tis (almost) season! If you love to decorate for the holidays and save some free time at the end of the month, we need you! For more information, contant
Ushers Needed!
Guest Connection is looking for ushers! We have openings in both services, so if you're interested, please contact
Missionary Christmas Cards
Each year we send Christmas cards to our missionaries to let them know that they are very much in our hearts and minds. Stop by the Mission Wall (to the west side of the auditorium) to sign the cards any Sunday this month.
Mission Gate Angel Tree
Angel Tree serves St. Louis families with a parent in a prison by providing gifts to children who may not have anything to open Christmas morning. Whole families are transformed by this simple act of love and grace! Look for the Angel Tree on the east side of the main lobby. All gifts should be wrapped, labeled, and returned by December 2. Questions? Contact
Comfort and Joy
Ladies, join us on December 6 for an evening of comfort & joy! We’ll kick off the Christmas season with music, desserts, and stories that tell of the comfort and joy found only in the Savior’s birth. Register by following the link below or visiting! Hearts
The Deacon Board seeks to be a help and a blessing to those in our church family who struggle to make ends meet, especially during the Christmas holidays. We are blessed to be heading up the Holly Hearts ministry again this year. We have reached out to a number of families who may be struggling this holiday season and have asked them for gift ideas for their children. These gift suggestions are hanging on the Holly Hearts tree in the lobby. Pick a heart from the tree (as many as you like!), fulfill a child’s gift request, and return the wrapped gift to the tree by December 9. If you have any questions, please contact: Carol Riebeling ( or Marilyn Simpson (
Ladies' Christmas Cookie Exchange
Join the ladies in your church family for fellowship, cookies, and lots of Christmas cheer! Bring a friend and six dozen cookies to exchange. Trails Partnership Backpack Program
We are partnering with Carman Trails school to help support some of their students who face food insecurity. To help, please bring non-perishable, shelf-stable items (not canned, because of weight) to the hampers at the entrances to the building. Suggested items include fruit cups, prepared pasta meals, chicken/tuna packets, etc. Thank you for your generosity!
Care Team Counseling
Life often includes challenges that are too big to face alone. Our lay Care Team Counselors are trained to walk alongside and assist people who are in need of hope, care, and direction. Counselors are available by appointment every Thursday evening - email's Worship and Prayer
Our monthly women's worship and prayer gathering meets on the 1st Saturday of each month. We meet in Room 341 from 8:30 - 10:00 am, and we provide the coffee! Join us for time spent with the Lord and your sisters in Christ.
RightNow Media
Ready to grow in your faith? First Free has launched RightNow Media - it’s like the "Netflix of Video Bible Studies" and has a HUGE library of faith-based videos aimed at helping you grow. You can access the videos wherever you want (on your phone, computer, at home on your TV) and with whoever you want (alone, with your spouse, with your small group). Log in and look around!
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Didn’t get the email? Check your spam or visit
SOS - Servants On Site
God uniquely gifts every person for service, and SOS is a way to serve by using your maintenance skills on minor jobs such as painting, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, etc. To get involved, contact Tom Siener at 636.779.2160 or
First Free Podcasts
Our sermons and Preparing for Worship emails are now available as podcasts!