Dover Assembly of God

11.3.2019 | Biblical Life Lessons - Disappointment With God
Locations & Times
Dover Assembly of God
4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Welcome to Dover Assembly of God! We're glad that you've joined us this morning. If you're on Facebook, we encourage you to take a moment to check in at Dover Assembly. Week's Bulletin
November 3, 2019
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am - Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
7:30 pm ~ Young Adult Ministry
6:30 pm ~ Women’s Bible Study
(Postponed until Nov 11. Chapters 9 & 10. See you there-Anna)
7:00 pm ~ Deacon Board Meeting
6:30 pm ~ FAMILY NIGHT
6:30 pm ~ Men’s Pinball Night @ Mark Crumrine’s
6:30 pm ~ Saturday Night Spanish Service
Young Adult Ministry
If you are out of high school and single, this group is for you. Be sure to join them tonight at 7:30 at Round the Clock Diner (222 Arsenal Road, York, PA 17402) for lively and challenging conversations about faith, society and culture.
Men's Pinball
Mark your calendars for the following upcoming event especially for the guys! Men’s Pinballnight-Thursday Nov 7 at 6:30 pm @ Mark Crumrine’s House. This is an excellent opportunity to bring a friend! Sign up in the lower foyer.
ROCK Announcement
The Northern Regional Police department will pay a visit to our ROCK Kid’s Ministry THIS Wednesday Nov 6 to interact and encourage our children. This is a great time to invite friends.
New Life For Girls
The New Life women will be ministering in our morning service on Sunday, Nov 24. This is an excellent opportunity to bring someone with you to hear about the power and grace of God. We are also providing a light luncheon following the service. We would encourage as many as possible to join us to fellowship with these ladies. If you can help us with the luncheon by helping to set up, provide food or drinks, please sign up in the lower foyer.
New Mom's Ministry
We are in the planning stages of offering a ministry to new moms. Our goal is to have new moms (and their babies) in our area join together here for a time of encouragement, coffee, fellowship and just a time to spend talking with other moms. It would include a story time for the children, a short time of play, possibly a short video. We want this to be open to the community. If you are able to help us get this off the ground, please see Pastor Jeff.
Rep. Seth Grove's Announcement
Marlene Kroft’s grandson. . .
I had the distinct honor of presenting Marine Corps Pvt. Travis Kroft with an American flag, which flew over the state Capitol on Sept. 29, the day he graduated from boot camp. Kroft is now on his way to Marine aviation school, where he will learn to become a mechanic to work on helicopters and airplanes. The career and technical education path Kroft selected will set him up for a career after the military. Congrats, Travis, and best wishes for a bright future.
To Kyle Coleman on his engagement to Bre Kay. Praying for a great wedding and marriage! Way to go Kyle!
Christmas Dinners
As Christmas approaches, various ministries will be having their respective dinners. Please see the dates below and sign up for the dinners you plan to attend.
Nov 7 ~ Men’s Pinball Night
Nov 15-16 ~ Women’s Conference @ Hershey Lodge
Nov 24 ~ New Life For Girls / Luncheon
Nov 27 ~ Thanksgiving Eve Service-No Departments
Nov 28 ~ Thanksgiving
Dec 6 ~ Deacon Board Christmas Dinner
Dec 12 ~ Men’s Ministry Christmas Dinner
Dec 13 ~ Women’s Christmas Dinner
Dec 18 ~ R.O.C.K. Kids Christmas Party
Dec 24 ~ Christmas Eve Service
Dec 25 ~ Christmas-NO FAMILY NIGHT
Dec 31 ~ New Year’s Eve
Jan 1 ~ New Year’s Day-NO SERVICE
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am - Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
7:30 pm ~ Young Adult Ministry
6:30 pm ~ Women’s Bible Study
(Postponed until Nov 11. Chapters 9 & 10. See you there-Anna)
7:00 pm ~ Deacon Board Meeting
6:30 pm ~ FAMILY NIGHT
6:30 pm ~ Men’s Pinball Night @ Mark Crumrine’s
6:30 pm ~ Saturday Night Spanish Service
Young Adult Ministry
If you are out of high school and single, this group is for you. Be sure to join them tonight at 7:30 at Round the Clock Diner (222 Arsenal Road, York, PA 17402) for lively and challenging conversations about faith, society and culture.
Men's Pinball
Mark your calendars for the following upcoming event especially for the guys! Men’s Pinballnight-Thursday Nov 7 at 6:30 pm @ Mark Crumrine’s House. This is an excellent opportunity to bring a friend! Sign up in the lower foyer.
ROCK Announcement
The Northern Regional Police department will pay a visit to our ROCK Kid’s Ministry THIS Wednesday Nov 6 to interact and encourage our children. This is a great time to invite friends.
New Life For Girls
The New Life women will be ministering in our morning service on Sunday, Nov 24. This is an excellent opportunity to bring someone with you to hear about the power and grace of God. We are also providing a light luncheon following the service. We would encourage as many as possible to join us to fellowship with these ladies. If you can help us with the luncheon by helping to set up, provide food or drinks, please sign up in the lower foyer.
New Mom's Ministry
We are in the planning stages of offering a ministry to new moms. Our goal is to have new moms (and their babies) in our area join together here for a time of encouragement, coffee, fellowship and just a time to spend talking with other moms. It would include a story time for the children, a short time of play, possibly a short video. We want this to be open to the community. If you are able to help us get this off the ground, please see Pastor Jeff.
Rep. Seth Grove's Announcement
Marlene Kroft’s grandson. . .
I had the distinct honor of presenting Marine Corps Pvt. Travis Kroft with an American flag, which flew over the state Capitol on Sept. 29, the day he graduated from boot camp. Kroft is now on his way to Marine aviation school, where he will learn to become a mechanic to work on helicopters and airplanes. The career and technical education path Kroft selected will set him up for a career after the military. Congrats, Travis, and best wishes for a bright future.
To Kyle Coleman on his engagement to Bre Kay. Praying for a great wedding and marriage! Way to go Kyle!
Christmas Dinners
As Christmas approaches, various ministries will be having their respective dinners. Please see the dates below and sign up for the dinners you plan to attend.
Nov 7 ~ Men’s Pinball Night
Nov 15-16 ~ Women’s Conference @ Hershey Lodge
Nov 24 ~ New Life For Girls / Luncheon
Nov 27 ~ Thanksgiving Eve Service-No Departments
Nov 28 ~ Thanksgiving
Dec 6 ~ Deacon Board Christmas Dinner
Dec 12 ~ Men’s Ministry Christmas Dinner
Dec 13 ~ Women’s Christmas Dinner
Dec 18 ~ R.O.C.K. Kids Christmas Party
Dec 24 ~ Christmas Eve Service
Dec 25 ~ Christmas-NO FAMILY NIGHT
Dec 31 ~ New Year’s Eve
Jan 1 ~ New Year’s Day-NO SERVICE
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Connect with Dover Assembly as we connect to God, build people, and offer hope. Keep up to date with the latest news and events, watch our latest videos, and more all within our app! you for your faithfulness!
You can now give to Dover Assembly online at your convenience. Click the link to learn more!
Week 8 - November 3, 2019 - Pastor Jeff Bender
We started last week talking about disappointment.
What does the Bible say about disappointment? The first section was disappointment with people.
We talked about being disappointed in people because people sin.
Then we showed that we can be disappointed in people because they make choices or have lifestyles that are not sinful, but are different than ours.
We may become disappointed in people because they don’t act or respond in the way we think they should so we feel let down.
Lastly, we talked about being disappointed in ourselves through our choices or decisions that we look back on and wish we would have done things differently.
In all those cases, we stressed that our disappointment with people should not affect our walk with God or our calling to accomplish what gave us to do.
What does the Bible say about disappointment? The first section was disappointment with people.
We talked about being disappointed in people because people sin.
Then we showed that we can be disappointed in people because they make choices or have lifestyles that are not sinful, but are different than ours.
We may become disappointed in people because they don’t act or respond in the way we think they should so we feel let down.
Lastly, we talked about being disappointed in ourselves through our choices or decisions that we look back on and wish we would have done things differently.
In all those cases, we stressed that our disappointment with people should not affect our walk with God or our calling to accomplish what gave us to do.
Today we are going to talk about “are we disappointed in God?”
Did God not deliver what we feel he should have?
Did God not answer our prayers? Either in a timely manner or even at all?
Did God not deliver what we feel he should have?
Did God not answer our prayers? Either in a timely manner or even at all?
Let’s define disappointment:
“Sadness or displeasure caused by the nonfulfillment of one's hopes or expectations”
“To fail to meet the expectation or hope of something.”
When we have “hope” or a better term would be “expectation” of God intervening in our lives in a certain manner and he doesn’t, we will have the feeling of disappointment.
“Sadness or displeasure caused by the nonfulfillment of one's hopes or expectations”
“To fail to meet the expectation or hope of something.”
When we have “hope” or a better term would be “expectation” of God intervening in our lives in a certain manner and he doesn’t, we will have the feeling of disappointment.
If we find ourselves disappointed with God, it’s probably because God didn’t do what we thought he should or expected him to do.
We live in an age and culture that has been blessed more than any other generation or country ever has been.
So I think that breeds in us an expectation mentality. We expect some new invention to come along and make our lives easier. We expect this pill to make us better. We expect to find all we need in the grocery stores and malls or on Amazon.
Couple that with some preachers telling us that God wants to give you everything you want. He never wants us to struggle. That God is our butler just waiting to bring us what we ask for.
That is just not scriptural or even experiential. We struggle, we have hardships, we suffer sometimes. Our prayers aren’t answered like we want.
So naturally, we could feel a bit of disappointment with God.
We live in an age and culture that has been blessed more than any other generation or country ever has been.
So I think that breeds in us an expectation mentality. We expect some new invention to come along and make our lives easier. We expect this pill to make us better. We expect to find all we need in the grocery stores and malls or on Amazon.
Couple that with some preachers telling us that God wants to give you everything you want. He never wants us to struggle. That God is our butler just waiting to bring us what we ask for.
That is just not scriptural or even experiential. We struggle, we have hardships, we suffer sometimes. Our prayers aren’t answered like we want.
So naturally, we could feel a bit of disappointment with God.
Maybe God isn’t fair. Let’s look at both extremes today.
People that God blessed, used and allowed to have great lives and testimonies. And some people that had none of those.
Hebrews 11 has been called the faith chapter or the hall of faith.
Every paragraph details the successes of faithful men and women of old.
People that God blessed, used and allowed to have great lives and testimonies. And some people that had none of those.
Hebrews 11 has been called the faith chapter or the hall of faith.
Every paragraph details the successes of faithful men and women of old.
We all surely know of men and women today, who have done great things for God, have experienced many miracles that God has used in a great public way.
Their lives seems to be blessed!
And don’t we all want to be like them? Who wouldn’t want to be thought of by God as great men and women of faith and power?
And there is nothing wrong with being that person.
We all know people who have been healed, or delivered or that God did something miraculous in their lives that defy explanation.
But if we are honest we know that those things don’t happen every day.
Their lives seems to be blessed!
And don’t we all want to be like them? Who wouldn’t want to be thought of by God as great men and women of faith and power?
And there is nothing wrong with being that person.
We all know people who have been healed, or delivered or that God did something miraculous in their lives that defy explanation.
But if we are honest we know that those things don’t happen every day.
Miracles by definition are things that are not commonplace.
“an extraordinary event”
Not an ordinary event. It’s that way today and it was that way in the Bible.
Because in this chapter of great faith and great exploits, we also read this...
“an extraordinary event”
Not an ordinary event. It’s that way today and it was that way in the Bible.
Because in this chapter of great faith and great exploits, we also read this...
Do you imagine that these people prayed for their suffering to end? Do you think that they trusted God? Do you think they might have been a little disappointed in God?
Probably at some point.
Where was God’s promise of deliverance? Where was God protecting these people? Were they less of believers that caused them this hardship?
Did they just not have enough faith to believe and therefore not receive
What does God say about them?
Probably at some point.
Where was God’s promise of deliverance? Where was God protecting these people? Were they less of believers that caused them this hardship?
Did they just not have enough faith to believe and therefore not receive
What does God say about them?
I heard a quote at the men’s conference that stuck with me.
The first part is this: Faith and obedience are not a means to an end. They are the end!
Faith and obedience are the end. That is the goal of God. To walk in faith and obedience.
Do I have the faith and obedience to do what God tells me regardless of what the outcome might be? Regardless of what battles I am facing now, am I faithful to complete God’s calling?
Stepping out in faith and obedience is what God wants. The outcome for us could go either way. Our ability to step out and try is what God is looking for.
The first part is this: Faith and obedience are not a means to an end. They are the end!
Faith and obedience are the end. That is the goal of God. To walk in faith and obedience.
Do I have the faith and obedience to do what God tells me regardless of what the outcome might be? Regardless of what battles I am facing now, am I faithful to complete God’s calling?
Stepping out in faith and obedience is what God wants. The outcome for us could go either way. Our ability to step out and try is what God is looking for.
Do you think that those who suffered didn’t know they were in a spiritual fight? There is always a spiritual battle going on. Especially when we attempt things for God.
Do you think that at some point they thought about giving up? Recanting, or denying or surrendering? Since God isn’t delivering us, then we might as well just give up and move on.
Do you think they were disappointed in God?
But they didn’t give up or recant or surrender. They kept on fighting the battle. Why? Because they knew it wasn’t the outcome that mattered, it was how they stood in the face of the battle.
If we realize that we are in a spiritual battle, and that God is responsible for the outcome we are responsible for battling in faith and obedience.
We stand in faith and obedience regardless of the outcome.
Disappointment, if we let it, will lead us to wanting to quit.
Since God isn’t answering my prayer or preventing my suffering, then I should just quit. You are choosing the outcome and not standing in faith. You’re not doing battle for God’s kingdom.
Do you think that at some point they thought about giving up? Recanting, or denying or surrendering? Since God isn’t delivering us, then we might as well just give up and move on.
Do you think they were disappointed in God?
But they didn’t give up or recant or surrender. They kept on fighting the battle. Why? Because they knew it wasn’t the outcome that mattered, it was how they stood in the face of the battle.
If we realize that we are in a spiritual battle, and that God is responsible for the outcome we are responsible for battling in faith and obedience.
We stand in faith and obedience regardless of the outcome.
Disappointment, if we let it, will lead us to wanting to quit.
Since God isn’t answering my prayer or preventing my suffering, then I should just quit. You are choosing the outcome and not standing in faith. You’re not doing battle for God’s kingdom.
“It’s too hard!”
Spiritual battles are hard. Anything of value is hard. There is always going to be a battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness.
The very next chapter in Hebrews tells us this about standing and fighting. About it being hard.
Spiritual battles are hard. Anything of value is hard. There is always going to be a battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness.
The very next chapter in Hebrews tells us this about standing and fighting. About it being hard.
A few notes about that verse...
Therefore - What's it there for? To link the previous statements about faithful men and women to this next part.
since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith - He was including those who did great things as well as those who suffered. Both were considered witnesses to the faith.
Therefore - What's it there for? To link the previous statements about faithful men and women to this next part.
since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith - He was including those who did great things as well as those who suffered. Both were considered witnesses to the faith.
There will be multiple battles we face in our service for God. And we have to have endurance. That means it’s constant.
The writer knew that our natural tendency when we get disappointed in what God is or isn’t doing, that we want to quit or give up and not stay in the fight.
But then the writer kind of rebukes that attitude.
But then the writer kind of rebukes that attitude.
“I know your battle is hard, but you’re not dead yet."
How does all that apply to each of us?
We’re not being held prisoner, or in fear of being executed, but we each have our troubles that to us could be equally disappointing.
Maybe God didn’t heal you as you wanted. Or God didn’t answer your prayer. Or maybe situations in your life are causing you to want to quit God because the fight is too hard.
I don’t want to pop your balloon, but you will either be in a spiritual battle or you will give in to the enemy.
And especially since none of us is facing death, like the writer to Hebrews says, then we all have the ability to get back up and fight.
We’re not being held prisoner, or in fear of being executed, but we each have our troubles that to us could be equally disappointing.
Maybe God didn’t heal you as you wanted. Or God didn’t answer your prayer. Or maybe situations in your life are causing you to want to quit God because the fight is too hard.
I don’t want to pop your balloon, but you will either be in a spiritual battle or you will give in to the enemy.
And especially since none of us is facing death, like the writer to Hebrews says, then we all have the ability to get back up and fight.
As the kingdom of God advances and we seek to do what God has called us to do both individually and as a church body, there will be things that we encounter along the way that will want to make us disappointed in what God is doing or not doing.
Remember it’s faith and obedience that God is looking for.
We are obedient to “pray continually” we are faithful to believe that God heals, delivers and blesses.
And we live that way and leave the results up to God.
Remember it’s faith and obedience that God is looking for.
We are obedient to “pray continually” we are faithful to believe that God heals, delivers and blesses.
And we live that way and leave the results up to God.
Let's look at a verse in Daniel...
If you don’t know the story, 3 Jewish guys were told to worship a god other than Jehovah. If they didn’t, they’d be tossed into a furnace and killed.
The acted in faith and obedience and refused, leaving the result up to God.
If you don’t know the story, 3 Jewish guys were told to worship a god other than Jehovah. If they didn’t, they’d be tossed into a furnace and killed.
The acted in faith and obedience and refused, leaving the result up to God.
Thank you for joining us!
If you haven't already, be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media @doverassembly! Have a great week!
http://doverassembly.comWatch on Vimeo!
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