Freedom in Christ Church

Rebuild: Experience God's Word
Sunday Service - March 9, 2025
Locations & Times
Freedom in Christ Church
1643 Bleams Rd, Kitchener, ON N2E 3X8, Canada
Sunday 10:00 AM
Online Freedom Family (OFF Campus)
Join us on the Church Online platform for a livestream of our service!“The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.” -Tim Keller
“The majority of the people must have gone home, as v. 15 suggests. But the “heads of all the families, along with the priests and the Levites,” stayed with Ezra for further instruction. They were not satisfied with a superficial revival but wanted to be obedient in every detail. The family heads were responsible for the lifestyle of their families. Here they wanted to practice what Deut 6:4–9 commands, that all the people, not just the priests, were to know and talk about “these commands.” Today, even more, not just the pastors and “experts” but all believers should “do theology,” reflecting together on the application of biblical, ethical principles to every area of life. To do theology or theologize is to apply biblical principles to every aspect of life. The Bible must never be allowed to become the sole property of scholars and ministers. Such occurred during the Middle Ages and the people were at the mercy of those “elite.” The Bible was given to all believers, and all believers have the responsibility to study God’s Word and need the grace to live by it.” -The New American Commentary
YouTube Playlist
Listen again to the songs we sang together this morning!