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OneLife Church

The Church Defined: Part 2 - Shared Mission

The Church Defined: Part 2 - Shared Mission

Locations & Times

North Campus

3503 W Emory Rd, Powell, TN 37849, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

Online Connection Card

Let us know that you were here, what your next step is that you are taking, or how we can pray for you and help you!

Give Online

The Bible teaches us to give the first 10% of our income to the "storehouse." God says we can test Him by doing this and watching Him take care of us in return. This may sound like a stretch to you! Just take a step toward toward that goal. If you currently give nothing, start giving something. If you give something, try increasing it a step toward the 10% goal. Trust God! Give Him your first before anything else by setting up a recurring, automated donation online. You will then receive quarterly updates about how your giving is making a difference and how your donations are being used.
Bottom Line: Our shared mission clarifies our core purposes.
1. Experience Jesus.
2. Give Jesus my best.
3. Don't do life alone.
4. Multiply like Jesus.

When have you been part of a culture, family, or organization that had a very clearly defined shared mission? What was it?

How did that clearly defined mission clarify the purposes that made the mission possible?

Read Acts 2:42-44. Focus on and emphasize the word "all" each time you see it. What are the implications of this? If we follow this example, what will the pushback be? What will challenge people or even you?

Read Acts 2:45-47. In the first half of verse 47, we see a personal benefit that should come from being part of this kind of church. What is it?

How much of what we see in this passage is focused on one hour a week on Sunday morning? What does this require each of us to reconsider when we think about what church is and does?

Experiencing Jesus through worship and prayer in the community is a vital aspect of the church. Read Matthew 18:20. How have you experienced this in the context of the larger gathering (i.e. Sunday mornings, worship nights, etc.)? How have you experienced this in smaller gatherings (i.e. micro church).

Take the Sacred Pathways survey linked below. This will help each of us get an idea of how God wired each of us to experience Jesus in our unique identity. How can we take this into account as we consider how we experience Jesus together as a micro church?

Re-read the passage and count how many times you notice words that have to do with generosity. What are they? How do you give Jesus the best of your time, talent, and treasure through the local church (both the large and micro gathering)? How have you benefited from the reality that many before you have given Jesus their best (in both the large and micro gathering)?

There are more than 50 "one another" statements throughout the New Testament that really point out how much we shouldn't do life alone. What are some of those that come to mind for you? How have you found that not doing life alone made a difference for your journey to come to Jesus and become more like Jesus?

What is a "next step" you can take to fulfill each of these core purposes that come from this passage and help to clarify our shared mission:

1. Experience Jesus.
2. Give Jesus my best.
3. Don't do life alone.
4. Multiply like Jesus.

Pray for each person in the micro church to fulfill their next steps shared above. Pray that the result of what we each do within the context of the local church - both the large gathering and the micro church - will lead to the final piece of Acts 2:47 happening - that we will see daily the number of those coming to Jesus growing!

Take a Next Step!

Don't just attend church for an hour a week. Take a step! What step should you take?
1. Follow Jesus! If you have followed Jesus...
2. Get baptized! If you are following Jesus, then that's all you need to be "ready" to take this step.
3. Volunteer! Don't simply be a consumer, but be part of making a difference in the lives of those who come to OneLife to experience Jesus. There are weekday and Sunday opportunities. Get info about what opportunities there are for you!
4. Join a micro church! You can't have true community sitting in rows with a large crowd. That's not the church - it's an event! Micro churches are small "churches" of 10-12 adults that meet in homes throughout the week to learn together, pray together, serve the community together, and care for each other together.
Get more information about any of the above, send us your prayer requests so we can pray with you, or ask any question we can help you with by filling out the online connection card!