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Church at the Shores

March 2 - The Narrow Path - Salt & Light

March 2 - The Narrow Path - Salt & Light

The Narrow Path series invites us to step into the radical teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, where we discover that the path to true life is often narrow and challenging but leads to an expansive, spacious life in God’s Kingdom.

Locations & Times

Church at the Shores

541 Cotton Creek Dr, Gulf Shores, AL 36542, USA

Friday 7:30 AM


Welcome to Church at the Shores! If you would like to watch or listen to this message again or share it with a friend, visit

Service Times: 9am & 10:45am

What's Happening - Upcoming Events

- Night of Worship - Sunday, March 23rd (6 pm - 7 pm)

- Shores Women's Night - Wednesday, April 9th (6 pm - 7 pm)

- Good Friday - Friday, April 18th (6 pm - 7 pm)

- Easter Weekend - Saturday at 6 pm and Sunday at 9 am and 10:45 am

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What is Spiritual Formation?

The process of being formed into the likeness of Jesus for the sake of our neighbors and the nations.
Every follower of Jesus is an everyday missionary in a broken world, living out the gospel wherever they are, with whatever they have.
You are the Salt of the Earth.
1.) To be salt is to be a seasoning in the world, drawing others into the love, grace, and presence of Jesus.

2.) To be salt is to be a sustaining preservative in the world, protecting and upholding what is good, drawing others into the love, grace, and presence of Jesus.
You are the Light of the World.
It’s much easier to wear the label of ‘Christian’ than to truly follow Jesus.
The greatest danger for Christians in every generation is being indistinguishable from the world. Rich Villodas

Use these questions to take this message on Sunday into your week with family or friends.

The narrow path leads to an ever-expanding spacious way of God.

MAIN PASSAGE: Matthew 5:13-17


What is a food that you absolutely love, but only when it’s seasoned just right?

Which are you more likely to see in a given week, a sunrise or sunset?

Why do you think Jesus used the metaphors of salt and light?

What do these images tell us about our role in the world?

Jesus says, ‘You are the salt of the earth.’ What does it mean to be a preservative in a world that is spiritually decaying? How can we actively preserve what is good and true?

Jesus also calls us ‘the light of the world.’ What does this reveal about our responsibility as His followers? How can we shine His light in dark places?

The message highlighted how salt can either be underused (losing impact) or overused (becoming overpowering). Where do you see yourself in this balance? How do we avoid both extremes?

Jesus didn’t call His followers to withdraw from the world or to dominate it, but to influence it with love, grace, and truth. How does this challenge our approach to cultural engagement today?

What’s one practical way you can be salt and light in your daily life this week? How can this group encourage and support you in that?
E.S.P.N. for the Group Leader to Remember:

Leadership is 51% encouragement. Don’t underestimate the power of a kind word or a thoughtful affirmation. Look for opportunities to call out the good in each person and remind them of God’s work in their life. Encouragement builds trust and fosters connection in your group.

Make space to read Scripture out loud together. God’s Word is living and active, and hearing it read aloud can open hearts and minds to His truth in a powerful way. Even a short passage can spark meaningful conversation and reflection.

Create intentional moments for your group to pray together. Whether it’s a simple prayer for the week or interceding for specific needs, prayer connects us to Jesus—and Jesus transforms lives.

Next Step
Always point your group toward one clear, actionable next step before you end. It could be as simple as spending five minutes in stillness this week, reading a specific Scripture, or reaching out to someone in love. A clear next step helps people take what they’ve learned and put it into practice.


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