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RockPointe Church

What Your Marriage Needs to Thrive

What Your Marriage Needs to Thrive

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RockPointe Church - Central Campus

4503 Cross Timbers Rd, Flower Mound, TX 75028, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

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Similarities between marriage and flowers:
- Essential elements must be present.
- Environmental conditions must to be meet.
- Effort, energy and expense must be put in.
What does your marriage need to thrive?
1. Your marriage needs Jesus.
You marriage needs Jesus for:
- Saving Faith
- Spirit Empowered
- Sanctified Living
- Superior Purpose
What does your marriage need to thrive?
2. Your marriage needs you.
Is there a magic number?
Couples who dedicate a minimum of 15 hours per week to undivided attention for each other maintain deeper emotional intimacy and lasting love. - Dr. Willard F. Harley
What does your marriage need to thrive?
3. Your marriage needs you to be like Jesus.
Make deposits by meeting these emotional needs:
- Affection
- Intimate Conversation
- Recreational Companionship
- Honesty and Openness
- Physical Attractiveness
- Sexual Fulfillment
- Financial Support
- Domestic Support
- Family Commitment
- Admiration
Avoid these behavior that make relationship withdrawals:
- Selfish Demands
- Disrespectful Judgment
- Angry Outburst
- Annoying Habits
- Independent Behaviors
- Dishonesty
The greatest goal of marriage is glory - theirs and yours.
Questions to ask your spouse:
- How would you rank our marriage on a scale of 1-10 and what could I do to make it better?

- What do you think is helping our marriage to thrive and what is hindering it from thriving?

- How's my relationship with Christ? Do you think I'm more like Christ than I've ever been?

- In what area of my life do you perceive that I could I work on becoming more Christ-like?

- How many hours of undivided attention are we taking each week to meet each other's emotional needs?

- Do you feel that you are my top priority? If not, what can I do to show you that you are?

- What is your greatest emotional need and how can I be better at meeting that for you?

- What am I doing that is making emotional withdrawals in our relationship?

- How are you wanting to grow in your spiritual walk and become more like Christ?

- What could I do to partner with you in helping you achieve that growth?