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First Wesleyan Church

Forgiveness At Its Best – Matthew 6:14-15

Forgiveness At Its Best – Matthew 6:14-15

Locations & Times

First Wesleyan Church

3040 Marlin Dr, Rapid City, SD 57703, USA

Sunday 7:50 AM

Sunday 9:50 AM

FWC Live Stream

Click the URL below to watch this service online.
1. The cost of getting even/unforgiveness: Relationally, Physically, Spiritually
2. Confession and forgiveness enhance and strengthen our peace with God.
3. We must forgive. Forgiveness is expected of us.
4. Forgiveness is an important factor in all relationships.
5. How do we prepare our hearts to forgive others well?

Humble ourselves. Count the costs.
6. Four steps to forgiveness.

a. Find your reason for needing to forgive.
b. Take pity on your offender.
c. Cancel the debt - completely forgive.
d. Cut them loose – Let them go.
Sermon Questions

1. What makes handling forgiveness, or dealing ‘with debt’, such an integral part of our spiritual and emotional happiness?

2. What have been some of the key components or practices that you have used to care for ‘debts’ that were owed to you?

3. How do ‘confession’ and ‘forgiveness’ complement or refresh your personal relationship with God? With others?

4. Max Lucado says that in any given Christian community you will find two basic groups of people. “Some are contagious with their joy, while others are cranky in their faith.”
a. Describe someone you know whose joy is contagious.
b. Describe a person you know who tends to be cranky in their faith. (Please do NOT mention names!)
Which type of Christian person are you? – Joy filled? Cranky?

5. Do you have any ‘debtors’? Have you forgiven them already?
What conditions must they meet?
What ‘payments’ are still owed to you?

6. Is there anyone in your life or sphere of influence that you are having a difficult time forgiving? What first steps do you believe the Holy Spirit wants you to take?

7. How can we get ourselves ready… to get our hearts in the right shape… in order to forgive someone?

8. Scott Wiley suggests that there are four steps to take in leading us to forgiveness as revealed in Matthew 18… Which of these is the most challenging for you?
a. Find your reason for wanting to forgive;
b. Take pity on your offender;
c. Cancel the debt – forgive;
d. Let them go – Cut them loose.

9. Discuss a few of the impacts for us relationally and spiritually found in Luke 6:37-38.