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Covenant Baptist Church

2/2/2025 - God's Image Around Us, With Us, and For Us

2/2/2025 - God's Image Around Us, With Us, and For Us

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Covenant Baptist Church

1350 E Industrial Rd, Mt Vernon, MO 65712, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Sermon Title: God's Image Around Us, With Us, and For Us

Sermon Text: Hebrews 13:1-16

Preparation Question: As an image bearer of God, does your life bear His image?
Three faith-affirming and life-transforming truths regarding God's image and presence in our lives:

1. God's image is all around us. (v. 1-4)
How do you treat other image bearers in order to reveal and represent His image, His heart, to others?
2. God's presence is always with us. (v. 5-6)
Do you trust that truth with a life submitted to our Lord?
3. God's grace and salvation is there for us but not automatically given to us. (v. 7-13)
Are you safe through faith in Jesus who is the way, the truth, and the life?
Response Questions
1. What does it mean that humans are made in the image of God?
2. How should that truth affect the way we treat one another?
3. How are faith in Jesus and commitment to Jesus connected, and how do we teach the necessity to make Jesus the Lord of our life without insinuating a works-based salvation?
4. Does God's continual presence automatically guarantee God's salvation? Why or why not?
5. How will you experience Jesus' heart for yourself and then reveal Him to others this week?

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