West End Baptist Church

Determination: A Strengthened Warrior
Locations & Times
West End Baptist Church
123 Arlington Ave, Greenville, SC 29601, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
GPS Children’s Program Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. here at WEBC! See Mark Foster for details. GPS Leader Meeting is today after worship service!
Church-wide Prayer Meeting Sunday, February 16th at 6:00 p.m. we will come together to pray as a church family. Bring your whole family - we will have a special prayer time with the children as well.
Save the Date: Discipleship Weekend April 4-5! Join us for a time of worship, teaching, music, and fellowship! Whether single or married, this weekend is an opportunity to gain a biblical view on marriage, finances, and how to encourage with grace. More information coming soon!
Benevolence Offering: As is our custom on the first Sunday of the month, following the worship service, we will receive an offering for our benevolence ministry. These funds go to help the neediest members of our community.
Church-wide Prayer Meeting Sunday, February 16th at 6:00 p.m. we will come together to pray as a church family. Bring your whole family - we will have a special prayer time with the children as well.
Save the Date: Discipleship Weekend April 4-5! Join us for a time of worship, teaching, music, and fellowship! Whether single or married, this weekend is an opportunity to gain a biblical view on marriage, finances, and how to encourage with grace. More information coming soon!
Benevolence Offering: As is our custom on the first Sunday of the month, following the worship service, we will receive an offering for our benevolence ministry. These funds go to help the neediest members of our community.
Calendar of Activities
Sunday, February 2
9:00 am Children & Adult Classes
10:00 am Coffee Fellowship
10:30 am Worship Service
5:30 pm Foster Home Group
Tuesday, February 4
6:00 pm GPS Children’s Program
Wednesday, February 5
6:00 pm Price Small Group
6:30 pm Bible Recap Group
Thursday, February 6
2:00 pm Swansgate Bible Study
Sunday, February 9
9:00 am Children & Adult Classes
10:00 am Coffee Fellowship
10:30 am Worship Service
5:30 pm Foster Home Group
6:00 pm WE Neighborhood Men’s Bible Study
9:00 am Children & Adult Classes
10:00 am Coffee Fellowship
10:30 am Worship Service
5:30 pm Foster Home Group
Tuesday, February 4
6:00 pm GPS Children’s Program
Wednesday, February 5
6:00 pm Price Small Group
6:30 pm Bible Recap Group
Thursday, February 6
2:00 pm Swansgate Bible Study
Sunday, February 9
9:00 am Children & Adult Classes
10:00 am Coffee Fellowship
10:30 am Worship Service
5:30 pm Foster Home Group
6:00 pm WE Neighborhood Men’s Bible Study
1. Recognize that the Christian life is ___________________.
2. Know the immeasurable greatness of _________.
3. God’s power is more than sufficient for -
Difficult ___________________________.
Difficult ___________________________.
Difficult ___________________________.
Difficult ___________________________.
4. Dependence turns ________________.
Home Group/Study Questions
These questions are provided for your further study and application of today’s sermon. Thoughtfully writing out the answers to these questions will help to drive home the truths we are learning.
1. Was there any passage of scripture or statement in the message today that was particularly meaningful or applicable to you?
2. Read John 16:33 and 1 Corinthians 10:4. It is important to prepare ourselves for the “tribulations” of the world and the “warfare” against human reasoning and false doctrines. And we must acknowledge that we have an adversary who has “schemes” we have to overcome. It can seem overwhelming, until we remember the promise of Jesus’ victory and God’s promise of strength. How have you experienced the power of God in your life recently?
3. Read Ephesians 1:15-21. Who on your prayer list do you believe may be most in need of endurance right now? What difficult circumstances are they facing? Who is most in need of patience? What relational struggles are they facing now?
Write out a specific prayer that expresses your desire to see God empower that person with his strength.
4. I’m convinced, both from my experience and interactions with God’s people, that though we profess reliance upon God’s power, too often we struggle in our own strength… and fail in doing those things that please Him. Read 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 (or better yet, 11:16 – 12:10) How did God bring Paul from self-sufficiency (pride) to dependence (trust)? Has that been your experience?
5. Read Psalm 30. Dwell on verses 5, 11-12. Sorrows are temporary, struggles come and go, each for a purpose in our lives. Joy comes, both in the struggle as we depend upon Jesus, and after the struggle when we stop, look back, and see His power. Share (write or tell) of a recent experience of Joy in your life.
6. Write out a specific prayer for someone on your prayer list who could use a refreshing and joyful time of counting their blessings and giving a heartfelt thanks to God.
These questions are provided for your further study and application of today’s sermon. Thoughtfully writing out the answers to these questions will help to drive home the truths we are learning.
1. Was there any passage of scripture or statement in the message today that was particularly meaningful or applicable to you?
2. Read John 16:33 and 1 Corinthians 10:4. It is important to prepare ourselves for the “tribulations” of the world and the “warfare” against human reasoning and false doctrines. And we must acknowledge that we have an adversary who has “schemes” we have to overcome. It can seem overwhelming, until we remember the promise of Jesus’ victory and God’s promise of strength. How have you experienced the power of God in your life recently?
3. Read Ephesians 1:15-21. Who on your prayer list do you believe may be most in need of endurance right now? What difficult circumstances are they facing? Who is most in need of patience? What relational struggles are they facing now?
Write out a specific prayer that expresses your desire to see God empower that person with his strength.
4. I’m convinced, both from my experience and interactions with God’s people, that though we profess reliance upon God’s power, too often we struggle in our own strength… and fail in doing those things that please Him. Read 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 (or better yet, 11:16 – 12:10) How did God bring Paul from self-sufficiency (pride) to dependence (trust)? Has that been your experience?
5. Read Psalm 30. Dwell on verses 5, 11-12. Sorrows are temporary, struggles come and go, each for a purpose in our lives. Joy comes, both in the struggle as we depend upon Jesus, and after the struggle when we stop, look back, and see His power. Share (write or tell) of a recent experience of Joy in your life.
6. Write out a specific prayer for someone on your prayer list who could use a refreshing and joyful time of counting their blessings and giving a heartfelt thanks to God.
Giving Online
Giving cheerfully and sacrificially of our finances is part of our worship. (2 Corinthians 9:7; Proverbs 3:9; Malachi 3:10)
We thank those who have helped us fulfill our mission and vision, and we ask you to pray that all of the giving to West End Baptist Church would be used to glorify God in carrying out His will as Scripture instructs and the Holy Spirit leads.