Central Christian Church

Weekend Worship | February 2
“David | A Heart of Worship: Beyond Good Intention | February 2 | 2 Samuel 6
Locations & Times
Central Christian Church
2900 N Rock Rd, Wichita, KS 67226, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
1. Good intention doesn't make up for wrong worship
Worship is an act or practice expressing devotion, reverence, and adoration towards God.
"the road to destruction is paved with good intentions. Intentions are not enough; we must submit ourselves to the authority of the Word, be mindful to learn and obey the Word, and neglect no part of the Word.”
Ligon Duncan
Ligon Duncan
1. Good intention doesn't make up for wrong worship
a. Familiarity breeds contempt
b. God determines appropriate worship
a. Familiarity breeds contempt
b. God determines appropriate worship
“God has prescribed the ways he is to be worshiped and that we must worship him in those ways and in those ways only.”
Voddie Bauchum
Voddie Bauchum
1. Good intention doesn't make up for wrong worship
a. Familiarity breeds contempt
b. God determines appropriate worship
i. How we worship impacts our concepts of God
ii. False worship leads to false living and immorality
iii. Our gathering supports and structures life
a. Familiarity breeds contempt
b. God determines appropriate worship
i. How we worship impacts our concepts of God
ii. False worship leads to false living and immorality
iii. Our gathering supports and structures life
“We do not go to church to worship. But as continuing worshipers, we gather ourselves together to continue our worship, but now in the company of brothers and sisters.”
Mike Cosper
Rhythms Grace
Mike Cosper
Rhythms Grace
2. Worship requires preparation and submission
2. Worship requires preparation and submission
a. God centered humility
a. God centered humility
2. Worship requires preparation and submission
a. God centered humility
b. A heart of worship
a. God centered humility
b. A heart of worship
Heart of Worship Desires to:
i. Declare his glory and work
ii. Seek his presence above all else
iii. Declares his good character and nature
iv. Recall his promises
v. Recall who we are (of small account)
vi. Proclaim a right response to him (tremble and worship)
vii. Cry to him for salvation
(1 Chronicles 16:8-36)
i. Declare his glory and work
ii. Seek his presence above all else
iii. Declares his good character and nature
iv. Recall his promises
v. Recall who we are (of small account)
vi. Proclaim a right response to him (tremble and worship)
vii. Cry to him for salvation
(1 Chronicles 16:8-36)
Key Theme:
We are to worship God according to His standards, rather than relying solely on good intentions, human preferences, or norms in our culture.
Key application:
Examine your approach to worship and service to God. True worship requires humility, obedience, and a heart prepared to meet God on His terms.
Key verse:
2 Samuel 6:22 “I will be esteemed ever more lightly than this and will be humble in my own eyes, but with the maids of whom you have spoken, with them I will be glorified.”
Key Questions:
1. Do we believe good intentions are all that matter?
2. Have we become too familiar with the holy one who sits upon the throne
3. Are we following God’s given expectations for gathering and a life of worship?
4. Do you regularly seek to prepare yourself for him and are you willing to submit to him in EVERYTHING?
5. Do you walk in a God centered humility?
6. Is your heart one of a true worshipper?
Key Theme:
We are to worship God according to His standards, rather than relying solely on good intentions, human preferences, or norms in our culture.
Key application:
Examine your approach to worship and service to God. True worship requires humility, obedience, and a heart prepared to meet God on His terms.
Key verse:
2 Samuel 6:22 “I will be esteemed ever more lightly than this and will be humble in my own eyes, but with the maids of whom you have spoken, with them I will be glorified.”
Key Questions:
1. Do we believe good intentions are all that matter?
2. Have we become too familiar with the holy one who sits upon the throne
3. Are we following God’s given expectations for gathering and a life of worship?
4. Do you regularly seek to prepare yourself for him and are you willing to submit to him in EVERYTHING?
5. Do you walk in a God centered humility?
6. Is your heart one of a true worshipper?
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https://go.ccc.org/takeawayResources for today’s sermon are available upon request in the church office.
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