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Rock Harbor Christian Fellowship

Fulfilling the Great Commission by Obeying the Great Commandment

Fulfilling the Great Commission by Obeying the Great Commandment

This advent season we want to loudly proclaim and remember "Glory to God in the Highest!"

Locations & Times

Rock Harbor Christian Fellowship

1475 Quintana Rd, Morro Bay, CA 93442, USA

Sunday 8:30 AM

Sunday 10:00 AM

We can begin to fulfill the Great Commission by first obeying the
Great Commandment.
I. Know Your Purpose (Matt. 28:16-20)
A. Last week we examined the importance of Jesus’ command for
us to proclaim the Gospel (the Good News of forgiveness for sin
through Jesus’ atoning death and resurrection for all who
believe in Him). This command is so important because it
reminds us why God the Son took on flesh and made His
appearance among us (cf. Jn. 3:16).
B. We see the purpose of the Gospel reflected in:
1. Jesus’ mission (cf. Lk. 19:10; Matt. 9:11).
2. Jesus’ obedience (cf. Jn. 17:1-5).
3. Jesus’ priorities (cf. Lk. 15:1-7).
C. The Good News of Jesus Christ reminds us that we have been
born with a purpose that goes far beyond anything this world
can offer. When we exercise our gifts for God’s glory and the
encouragement of His people, then we are reflecting the priority
of God’s call on our lives.
II. Know God’s Priority (Matt. 22:34-40)
A. Why do we do what we do? What is it that drives us? Whatever
values may be trending in our culture, Jesus made it clear that
the ultimate value is love—love for God and love for our
neighbor (vv. 34-40; cf. Deut. 6:4-5; Lev. 19:18).
B. The priority of love is reflected in:
1. Love for God with our whole being. This love is seen in:
a. Fidelity (cf. Ex. 20:3; Matt. 6:24).
b. Obedience (cf. Jn. 14:21-24).
c. Perseverance (cf. Js. 1:12).
2. Love for our neighbor as ourselves is to reflect a
Christlikeness toward others and is a practical way to
demonstrate God’s love (cf. Rom. 13:8-10).
C. When we love God with our whole being, then the overflow of
that love will result in a love for each other. It is this love that
drives us to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others
with the hopes that they too may be saved and experience the
hope that only Christ can offer.

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