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Christ Community - Brookside Campus

Mark - January 19 | Brookside

Mark - January 19 | Brookside

Jesus Rests - 9, 10:45 AM & ON DEMAND

Locations & Times

Christ Community - Brookside Campus

400 W 67th St, Kansas City, MO 64113, USA

Sunday 7:00 AM

Title: Jesus Rests
Reference: Mark 1:35-45
Speaker: Bill Gorman,
I don’t think the speed at which I live, at which I move through time, at which I see the people around me living and moving through time is a speed that any of us really want. I don’t think the habits that I’ve cultivated here are really good ones. ~ Ezra Klein
In that desert solitude, Jesus fasted for more than a month. Then, and not before, Satan was allowed to approach him with his glittering proposals of bread, notoriety, and power. Only then was Jesus at the height of his strength. The desert was his fortress, his place of power. ~ Dallas Willard, The Spirit of the Disciplines,
The secret to the with-God life is solitary prayer.
– Solitary prayer trains you to adopt Jesus’ rhythm of life.
– Solitary prayer trains you to rest in God’s presence alone.
The significance of Jesus' ministry consists not simply in what he does for humanity, but equally in who he is in relation to the Father. Jesus is, according to Mark's narrative, neither contemplative ascetic nor social activist. He does not promote an agenda but derives a ministry from a relationship with the Father. He is the Son, one in being with the Father; and the Servant, one in purpose with his will.” ~ James Edwards, Mark
– Solitary prayer trains you to step back into life with God
Embrace Jesus’ rhythm of life.
Where do you need to adopt Jesus’ rhythm of life in your life?
The Jesus way wedded to the Jesus truth brings about the Jesus life. ~ Eugene Peterson

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