Christ Community - Leawood Campus

Mark - January 19 | Leawood
Jesus Rests - 9:00, 10:30 AM & ON-DEMAND
Locations & Times
Christ Community - Leawood Campus
14200 Kenneth Rd, Leawood, KS 66224, United States
Sunday 7:00 AM
Title: Jesus Rests
Reference: Mark 1:35-45
Speaker: Ben Beasley,
Reference: Mark 1:35-45
Speaker: Ben Beasley,
I don’t think the speed at which I live, at which I move through time, at which I see the people around me living and moving through time is a speed that any of us really want. I don’t think the habits that I’ve cultivated here are really good ones. So I’ve become interested in what this old practice has to say about how I live and how we live today. ~ The Ezra Klein Show
Six days a week we seek to dominate the world. On the seventh day, we try to dominate the self.” ~ Abraham Joshua Heschel, The Sabbath
Jesus is not only God-with-us, but he is the key to a with-God life.
– Living with the faith of Jesus, not just faith in Jesus (Life with the Father).
Not to pray is to be guilty of the incredible folly of ignoring the possibility of adding God to our resources. In prayer we give the perfect mind of God an opportunity to feed our mental powers. Jesus knew this; he knew that if he was to meet people he must first meet God. If prayer was necessary for Jesus, how much more must it be necessary for us? ~ William Barclay, The Gospel of Mark
Define yourself radically as one beloved by God. This is the true self. Every other identity is illusion. ~ Brennan Manning, Abba’s Child
– Seeking to be with Jesus, not just seeking what Jesus can do for you (Life with the Son)
The Jesus way wedded to the Jesus truth brings about the Jesus life. ~ Eugene Peterson, The Jesus Way
– Acting with the Kingdom in mind, not surprised by opposition (Life with the Spirit)
Meditation #1:
Where in my life have I allowed the rush and hurry to overtake my soul? Holy Spirit, show me where I need to slow down and be with you.
Meditation #2:
Jesus, show me how to begin—even if it’s just a few minutes—creating space in my day to meet with you.
Meditation #3:
Father, silence the noise in my heart so I can hear Your voice. Remind me of who I am in you.
Where in my life have I allowed the rush and hurry to overtake my soul? Holy Spirit, show me where I need to slow down and be with you.
Meditation #2:
Jesus, show me how to begin—even if it’s just a few minutes—creating space in my day to meet with you.
Meditation #3:
Father, silence the noise in my heart so I can hear Your voice. Remind me of who I am in you.
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