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Stones Hill Community Church

Fed by Ravens - 1 Kings 21:1-29

Fed by Ravens - 1 Kings 21:1-29

Welcome to "Fed by Ravens" - a sermon series on the life and times of Elijah. There are many people in the wilderness with the brook drying up. "Fed by Ravens" is for all those who need sustained. Glad to have you on this journey!

Locations & Times

Ligonier, IN

151 W Stones Hill Rd, Ligonier, IN 46767, USA

Saturday 3:02 PM

We welcome you to Stone's Hill today!

A typical Stone's Hill service has:

* music (so feel free to sing out);

* some announcements (things that are upcoming that you can be a part of);

* a message out of the Bible (God speaks to us through his Word);

* and an opportunity for you to respond to the message (either immediately in the case of a decision that needs to be made OR in the future as you live out the message in your daily life.)

So relax and enjoy your morning! We're so glad you are here!
1 Kings 21:1-29
1 Kings 21. A discontent king wants something he can’t legally have. He pouts about it and his Queen takes it upon herself to fix it by a plot to have a man and his sons murdered. Gaze at the wrong thing, make an idol out of it, pout when we don’t get it, and destroy others who get in the way of it. All of this is fueled by a dysfunctional marriage that ends up destroying their future families’ lives. Anybody ever do that or know of someone who did? That's 1 Kings 21.
King Ahab, coming off of a successful war campaign in the Aramean Wars, headed for his winter palace in 1 Kings 21. While he is there, he notices, next door to the palace, this beautiful, luscious vineyard. He got blinded by desire. And what he didn’t have became his obsession. God has been dealing with King Ahab and Queen Jezebel since the beginning of Elijah’s prophetic ministry. In this installment, we’re going to see Elijah’s final encounter with the King and Queen. For 5-10 years or so, Elijah has not crossed paths with Ahab. Elijah has been involved with Elisha, his protege, in developing the schools of the prophets. But in today’s passage, Elijah will confront the King and Queen one final time.
There are INSIGHTS from the vineyard of this text (note how many times “vineyard” appears). Do you have something on repeat in your life? You’re all about the “vineyard” but God is all about the insights.
This text addresses the issue of God’s justice and mercy.
This text addresses the issue of a believer’s persecution.
This text addresses the issue of a marriage relationship.
INSIGHT #1: This text addresses the issue of God’s justice and mercy. This passage says something about how God’s justice works.
INSIGHT #2: This text addresses the issue of persecution in the life of a believer. God’s justice is not a guarantee of immunity for the just. There are many “Naboths” in the world that are crushed by the state. Loving God, tending to your family, and being a great citizen is no insulation from persecution in a world full of scoundrels.
INSIGHT #3: This text addresses the issue of a marriage relationship. I’ve been tracking it through the series. King Ahab and Queen Jezebel put on a clinic for marriage relationship turn-offs. It all comes to a head in this passage.
Did somebody else in the NT get framed and executed like Naboth? There would be, one day in a future courtroom, two false witnesses who would stand and say of an innocent one, “This man blasphemed God.” The elders, the representative leaders, would also say, “Yes, he has blasphemed God.” And, outside, the growing crowd, the mob, would begin to yell, “Crucify Him.”
Naboth foreshadowed Jesus. Both died as innocent men under false testimony that they had blasphemed God. When Jesus himself was on trial before the High Priest, they brought all sorts of false testimony against him. The key point came when 2 witnesses came forward. Jesus knows what it’s like to be systematically persecuted by the state. He knows what it’s like to be falsely accused.
Just like this passage is graphic in the details, has God given us a graphic image of our sin? Has he shown us what we all deserve, yet He himself absorbed the penalty, and shed blood for all of us, rather than have our blood be shed? He has given us a graphic image. That’s Jesus on the cross. We need a substitute. That is what you have in Jesus. God provided the righteousness we need in him. The hymn writer said: Bearing shame and scoffing rude, in my place condemned he stood; sealed my pardon with his blood. Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Judgment will fall. Either Jesus takes your judgment, or you will face it. We cannot hide from God. He knows our sins – in thought, word, motive, and deed. People say of Jesus what Ahab said of Elijah: “Have you found me my enemy?”
We have one solution: we must be hidden in Christ. In Christ, we are safe. In Christ, we are righteous. In Christ, we are loved. In Christ, we do not have to fear impending judgment. In Christ, we have power to stand up for the oppressed, and look forward to future reward in his kingdom. Jesus paid it all; all to him we owe.

Dismissal Song

Trials of Many Kinds (Official Lyric Video) // Rita Springer (feat. Brooke Ligertwood)

The Entire Gospel in Five Minutes

The Story Film

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