OneLife Church

Identity: Part 1 - One Source
Locations & Times
North Campus
3503 W Emory Rd, Powell, TN 37849, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Online Connection Card
Let us know that you were here, what your next step is that you are taking, or how we can pray for you and help you! Online
The Bible teaches us to give the first 10% of our income to the "storehouse." God says we can test Him by doing this and watching Him take care of us in return. This may sound like a stretch to you! Just take a step toward toward that goal. If you currently give nothing, start giving something. If you give something, try increasing it a step toward the 10% goal. Trust God! Give Him your first before anything else by setting up a recurring, automated donation online. You will then receive quarterly updates about how your giving is making a difference and how your donations are being used. Line: There can be only one source of identity.
Identity: Who I am, the way I think about myself, the way I am viewed by the world, and the characteristics that define me;
Identity: my exact likeness in nature and qualities.
My identity has already been defined as something good.
Only the maker knows the true identity.
Uncertainty and helplessness are just the beginning of discovery.
When have you tried to combine two sources for something but it only caused problems? Maybe it was trying to combine ingredients from two different recipes, using two different sources of power, listening to two different voices for information, or having two different leaders calling the shots. What would have been different if you had only trusted or used one source?
When have you tried to figure out on your own the ingredients or components of something to recreate it but only came close to reproducing it rather than getting it right? What difference would have been made it the maker or original inventor had provided it for you?
When have you tried to combine two sources for something but it only caused problems? Maybe it was trying to combine ingredients from two different recipes, using two different sources of power, listening to two different voices for information, or having two different leaders calling the shots. What would have been different if you had only trusted or used one source?
When have you tried to figure out on your own the ingredients or components of something to recreate it but only came close to reproducing it rather than getting it right? What difference would have been made it the maker or original inventor had provided it for you?
Read Psalm 139:1-12. What do these verses say that God knows about you?
Now read Psalm 139:13-18. What do you notice is different about how these verses describe how God knows you?
Why is it important to go beyond simply acknowledging that God knows all about you but that he also knows you?
Read Psalm 139:1-12. What do these verses say that God knows about you?
Now read Psalm 139:13-18. What do you notice is different about how these verses describe how God knows you?
Why is it important to go beyond simply acknowledging that God knows all about you but that he also knows you?
Read Psalm 139:13-14 again. These verses describe a maker or creator who knows on a deep and intimate level who you really are and what the ingredients of your created identity really are. How have you discovered who the Maker created you to be as you have grown in your faith?
What are the other sources in your life or throughout your life that have added (or attempted to add or that you are tempted to add) ingredients to your identity?
What is your biggest fear or challenge to shut out all of those other sources trying to define you and only hear from your Maker?
In verses 13-14, David describes his created identity as one that is as wonderful and marvelous as all of God's other creations. If your created and true identity is made up of only that which is good, how does this help you discover what is - and isn't - truly part of who God created you to really be?
Read Psalm 139:13-14 again. These verses describe a maker or creator who knows on a deep and intimate level who you really are and what the ingredients of your created identity really are. How have you discovered who the Maker created you to be as you have grown in your faith?
What are the other sources in your life or throughout your life that have added (or attempted to add or that you are tempted to add) ingredients to your identity?
What is your biggest fear or challenge to shut out all of those other sources trying to define you and only hear from your Maker?
In verses 13-14, David describes his created identity as one that is as wonderful and marvelous as all of God's other creations. If your created and true identity is made up of only that which is good, how does this help you discover what is - and isn't - truly part of who God created you to really be?
Read Psalm 139:15-16 again. In a way, David speaks to a discovery of who He really is rather than an effort to do or be a certain way. He talks about a baby that begins in darkness and isolation that then comes to know how marvelous and wonderful God's created identity of him really is.
If you think of yourself as the baby in this picture - living at the moment with uncertainty and helplessness - what would you do (or not do) to learn who you have really been created to be?
Read Psalm 139:15-16 again. In a way, David speaks to a discovery of who He really is rather than an effort to do or be a certain way. He talks about a baby that begins in darkness and isolation that then comes to know how marvelous and wonderful God's created identity of him really is.
If you think of yourself as the baby in this picture - living at the moment with uncertainty and helplessness - what would you do (or not do) to learn who you have really been created to be?
Read Psalm 139:23-24. Now re-read the same two verses, but this time as a prayer. Then pause and simply be still and quite for a moment and listen. What do you sense the Spirit is telling you that he sees? (Hint: what ideas, questions, thoughts, tensions, or convictions come to mind?)
How can you make this your prayer each day this week to begin the discovery of your true identity?
What will you do each day to respond to this prayer?
Pray for each person in the micro church to follow through with their answers to the previous two questions. Pray for each other to tune out and get rid of all the outside sources trying to define you, and only trust the Maker.
Read Psalm 139:23-24. Now re-read the same two verses, but this time as a prayer. Then pause and simply be still and quite for a moment and listen. What do you sense the Spirit is telling you that he sees? (Hint: what ideas, questions, thoughts, tensions, or convictions come to mind?)
How can you make this your prayer each day this week to begin the discovery of your true identity?
What will you do each day to respond to this prayer?
Pray for each person in the micro church to follow through with their answers to the previous two questions. Pray for each other to tune out and get rid of all the outside sources trying to define you, and only trust the Maker.
Take a Next Step!
Don't just attend church for an hour a week. Take a step! What step should you take?
1. Follow Jesus! If you have followed Jesus...
2. Get baptized! If you are following Jesus, then that's all you need to be "ready" to take this step.
3. Volunteer! Don't simply be a consumer, but be part of making a difference in the lives of those who come to OneLife to experience Jesus. There are weekday and Sunday opportunities. Get info about what opportunities there are for you!
4. Join a micro church! You can't have true community sitting in rows with a large crowd. That's not the church - it's an event! Micro churches are small "churches" of 10-12 adults that meet in homes throughout the week to learn together, pray together, serve the community together, and care for each other together.
Get more information about any of the above, send us your prayer requests so we can pray with you, or ask any question we can help you with by filling out the online connection card! Follow Jesus! If you have followed Jesus...
2. Get baptized! If you are following Jesus, then that's all you need to be "ready" to take this step.
3. Volunteer! Don't simply be a consumer, but be part of making a difference in the lives of those who come to OneLife to experience Jesus. There are weekday and Sunday opportunities. Get info about what opportunities there are for you!
4. Join a micro church! You can't have true community sitting in rows with a large crowd. That's not the church - it's an event! Micro churches are small "churches" of 10-12 adults that meet in homes throughout the week to learn together, pray together, serve the community together, and care for each other together.
Get more information about any of the above, send us your prayer requests so we can pray with you, or ask any question we can help you with by filling out the online connection card!