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Church of the Nazarene East Rockingham Campus

The Names of Jesus Part 1 East Rock

The Names of Jesus Part 1 East Rock

Emmanuel, God with us.

Locations & Times

Church of The Nazarene- East Rock

East Side Hwy, Elkton, VA 22827, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

Today we begin our Advent teaching series "The Names of Jesus"

Throughout this series we are looking at a few of the different names that the scriptures give to Jesus. Names In the bible often hold far more meaning and importance than what we are accustomed to in our time. Names often spoke of a persons character and even their destiny. The same is true for Jesus.

We begin our series today with a name for Jesus found at the very heart of the Christmas story. Emmanuel.
Mary and Joseph are pledged or betrothed. Betrothal was similar to our idea of engagement, except it was legally binding. During this betrothal Mary has been found to be pregnant.

Here we need to slow down and walk with the characters in the story.

Mary was likely a teenager, pledged to be married. The gospel of Luke records that she was visited by an angle to tell her that she would bear a son. She knows the stigma that will bring. The potential punishment of stoning by the law. But, she says yes.

Jospeh. He’s been working hard to prepare his home. He loves Mary, they have hopes and dreams together. And now this.

This is the scene, this is the confusion, the tension, the hurt, the frustration and fear. Joseph ponders his options.

This is the story of God coming to be with us.

One night in the midst of this turmoil an angel of the Lord comes to him in a dream.
The angels message confirms Mary’s story that it was a work of the Lord in her life. She was telling the truth.

Joseph needed to go ahead and taker her as his wife. He had a part to play in what God was doing too

As Matthew is recalling the story of Jesus’ birth, he pauses to help is readers make a connection.

Quoting from the Prophet Isaiah hundreds of years before Jesus was born, Matthew recalls the time when another child was born as a sign of God’s presence with his people and his faithfulness to them.

In the birth of Jesus, Matthew sees the prophet Isiah’s words fulfilled in a much more meaningful and powerful way.

What was true hundreds of years before in the nation of Judah, is now fulfilled completely in the coming of Jesus.

Jesus is not just another sign- he is literally God with us, stepping into our messy and complicated story for our salvation.

Emanuel is God with us.

Over the next few weeks as we journey towards Christmas, we will look at a few of the other names given to Jesus in the scriptures.

We will see Jesus as a wonderful counsellor, the prince of peace. He is Savior, sent to save his people from their sins. Then finally on Christmas Eve, we will see Jesus as the light of the world, dispelling darkness and brining hope

Each of these titles is revealing of the very nature and character of Jesus and they invite us to know him more. That’s certainly true of Emmanuel

The name Emmanuel invites us to recognize that God is with us. To believe that He is not aloof, unaware of the messiness and challenges of our daily lives. But he is with us, regardless of how we feel.

He is Emmanuel, God with us.