Renovation Church
Words To Live By / Thank You
Locations & Times
Renovation Church
3822 Cook Rd, St Joseph, MO 64505, USA
Sunday 8:00 AM
Question #1 Why Are So Many So Discontent?
1st reason: We Have So Much Already.
2nd Reason: We Are Bombarded With More-ness.
2nd Question: How Do We Live With More Gratitude?
Remember: Possessions are temporary. Relationships are eternal.
Celebrate What We Already Have
2% 100k
7% 500k
46% over 3 million
1) A place to live 2) Enough food to eat 3) Source of income 4) Transportation.
You are in the top 5% of the world population.
7% 500k
46% over 3 million
1) A place to live 2) Enough food to eat 3) Source of income 4) Transportation.
You are in the top 5% of the world population.