Southview Baptist Church

Letters to the Church — The Gospel ‑ God’s Solution to Sin’s Obfuscation of God
This week, Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues the Letters to the Church series with Romans 1:18‑23. This passage shows us that true worship is a choice that honors God, recognizing Him as the ultimate source of value and truth, rather than turning to false idols that lead us astray. Video of the worship service is available beginning Sunday at 9:30 AM at
Locations & Times
Southview Baptist Church
3434 S 13th St, Lincoln, NE 68502, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
1. Rejecting Revelation — God's wrath is the righteous response to the suppression of truth (18‑20).
• God's wrath is against the suppression of truth (18).
• The truth that is suppressed is the reality of God (19).
• This truth is knowable without any special revelation (20).
Action: Return to the foundational evidence of God's reality by reflecting on how you might be ignoring God's presence in your life.
• God's wrath is against the suppression of truth (18).
• The truth that is suppressed is the reality of God (19).
• This truth is knowable without any special revelation (20).
Action: Return to the foundational evidence of God's reality by reflecting on how you might be ignoring God's presence in your life.
2. Overlooking the Obvious — Each person is accountable to glorify and give thanks to God (21).
• It is not enough to know of God; He deserves worship.
• It is not enough to know of God; He deserves gratitude.
• Failure to worship and thank God is a foolish decision that inevitably leads to a spiral.
Action: Recognize that Jesus, God Himself, offers salvation and that alone is worthy of our worship and gratitude.
• It is not enough to know of God; He deserves worship.
• It is not enough to know of God; He deserves gratitude.
• Failure to worship and thank God is a foolish decision that inevitably leads to a spiral.
Action: Recognize that Jesus, God Himself, offers salvation and that alone is worthy of our worship and gratitude.
3. Falling For Falsehood — But time and time again, people choose to give glory and thanks to that which is not God (22‑23).
• You cannot become wise while rejecting wisdom (22).
• Rejecting God always seems to lead to replacing God (23).
• Replacing God with anything other than God is foolish (23).
Action: Turn from all forms of idolatry, regardless of what that idol may be.
• You cannot become wise while rejecting wisdom (22).
• Rejecting God always seems to lead to replacing God (23).
• Replacing God with anything other than God is foolish (23).
Action: Turn from all forms of idolatry, regardless of what that idol may be.
4. The Solution: Jesus.
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In addition to the audio for this sermon, we livestream our service beginning at 9:30 AM on Sundays, and it is available for replay anytime at the conclusion of the service.