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Northwest Community Friends Church

Join us for Sunday Worship in-person or online

Join us for Sunday Worship in-person or online

Sunday morning worship service

Locations & Times

Northwest Community Friends Church

5950 N La Cañada Dr, Tucson, AZ 85704, USA

Sunday 10:30 AM


Join us for Sunday Worship

We will meet at 10:00 a.m. for a time of prayer and praise, and our worship service begins at 10:30 a.m.

Share a praise report or prayer request

Let us know how we can pray for you by clicking the link below and confidentially sharing your prayer request. You can also text your requests to 520-518-3375.

Give Online

Visit our secure online giving platform using the link below. You can use your credit card or for the lowest processing fee (a flat rate of 25-cents per transaction) use the ACH/Checking option found on the second tab. You can make a one-time gift or set up a recurring gift on our secure online giving platform. Thank you for your gift!

Events Schedule

Happening this week

10:00 a.m. Prayer, praise, and quiet reflection
10:30 a.m. Worship service in-person and online
12:00 noon Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner with Missions Dessert Auction

1:00 p.m. Quilting & Crafts Group
6:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting

Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday November 30
9:00 a.m. Decorate the church for Christmas

Looking Ahead

Sunday December 1
10:00 a.m. Prayer, praise, and quiet reflection
10:30 a.m. Worship service in-person and online

Sunday December 15
12:00 noon Christmas Fest

Tuesday December 24
6:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Tuesday December 31
6:30 p.m. New Year’s Eve Prayer Service

CarePortal Open Requests

Take meaningful action on the platform that’s connecting the largest network of caring people to meet the needs of kids and families in crisis.
4Tucson Church of the Week
Each week we learn about and pray for a different church

Manantial de Amor
Pastors Neftalí and Myrna Cabrera
4307 S 7th Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85714

Qué es algo único o descriptivo de su iglesia? Nuestra Iglesia tiene un enfoque misionero; sostenemos misioneros en Nicaragua, Haiti y Africa. También ayudamos alimentar a un grupo de viudas y personas discapacitadas en la República Dominicana. Además les damos de comer a los desamparados una vez por semana en el lado sur de ésta ciudad.

What is something unique or descriptive about your church? Our church is missionary-focused; we support missionaries in Nicaragua, Haiti, and Africa. We also help feed a group of widows and disabled persons in the Dominican Republic. In addition, we hand out food to the less-fortunate in South Tucson once a week.

Qué está pasando en su congregación que le emociona? Lo que me emociona, es que Manantial de Amor se ha convertido en una casa de refugio espiritual y emocional para nuestra comunidad. Dios está liberando a muchas personas de adicciones, problemas emocionales y sanando a los enfermos de diversas enfermedades físicas.

What is happening within the church that you are excited about? Something exciting to me is that Manantial de Amor has become a spiritual and emotional house of refuge for our community. God is freeing many people from addictions and emotional issues, and healing the sick from various physical illnesses.

Cuáles son una o dos cosas que la iglesia tiene necesidad para orar? 1. Necesitamos incrementar el número de obreros para trabajar en nuestra comunidad y recursos para seguir siendo de bendición en nuestro vecindario. 2. Que el Señor consume la obra de sanidad.

What are one or two prayer needs with the church? 1. We need to increase the number of laborers to reach our community, as well as resources to continue being a blessing to our neighborhood. 2. May the Lord meet the needs of those needing healing.

The Bible Recap With Tara-Leigh Cobble

The Bible Recap With Tara-Leigh Cobble

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Find our church profile using the link below and tap “Set As My Church” to connect with us in the Bible App.

About Friends Church

Northwest Community Friends Church
5950 N La Cañada Dr.
Tucson, AZ 85704
Office: 520-887-2060
Text: 520-518-3375

Ministers The Congregation

Pastor Adam Kemper

Give us a call if you have a question or if we can bless you in any way!