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Palmcroft Church

Genesis: The Promise to Abraham

Genesis: The Promise to Abraham

Week 11 in a series on the book of Genesis.

Locations & Times


15825 N 35th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85053, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

Genesis 1–11 teaches us that humans left to their own devices turn toward evil and cannot resolve the issue of sin. God must intervene.

In Genesis 12, God makes an unconditional promise to Abram, and God starts to unfold the plan of salvation first mentioned in Genesis 3.

The Promise to Abraham (Genesis 12:1–9)

God’s seven-fold promise:
1. I will make you a great nation.
2. I will bless you.
3. I will make your name great.
4. You will be a blessing.
5. I will bless those who bless you.
6. I will curse those who curse you.
7. In you all the families of the earth will be blessed.

God’s promise to Abraham was both physical & spiritual.
1. Physical: A People & a Place
2. Spiritual: A Redeemer
Although veiled, God unfolds His salvation plan.

Abraham’s Journey of Faith
• Initial Faith
• Growing Faith
• Faltering Faith
• Mature Faith

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