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Cold Springs Church

Talking About Jesus

Talking About Jesus

In A Broken World

Locations & Times

Cold Springs Church

2600 Cold Springs Rd, Placerville, CA 95667, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

Out of Brokenness

- He Knows
- He Loves
- He Invites
Into Brokenness

- We Know
- We Love
- We Invite
For Wholeness

- Know His Purpose
- Join Him In His purpose
Study Guide Questions:

1. Jesus said to Matthew, “Follow me and be my disciple.” How do you think that made Matthew feel in light of his job as a lowly tax collector? How did you feel when you first heard Jesus’ invitation for you to follow him?

2. Matthew invited all his ‘sinner’ friends to come meet Jesus; why do you think he did that?

3. Jesus says he came to call sinners. What would you say he calls them (us) to?


Our goal here at Cold Springs Church is transparency. We operate solely on the generosity of those who call Cold Springs home and give regularly to support the mission and vision we are committed to carrying out. God invites us to worship Him in all areas of our lives, including the way we spend our money. Because it is an act of worship, God is more interested in the shape of our heart than the size of our gift.