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Freedom in Christ Church

Romans: Irrevocable

Romans: Irrevocable

Sunday Service - November 24, 2024

Locations & Times

Freedom in Christ Church

1643 Bleams Rd, Kitchener, ON N2E 3X8, Canada

Sunday 10:00 AM

Online Freedom Family (OFF Campus)

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Will all Israel eventually be saved? Is that what verse 26 is saying?

1. God is faithful to His covenant. His plan for Israel will be consistent with His promises. “God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.” (v.29)
2. The Jews are God’s chosen people, but they are still expected to lay down their stubbornness and accept the Messiah that was sent for them – Jesus.
3. Their unbelief has opened the door wide for Gentiles to be included in God’s covenant promises.
4. Our response to the Gospel is intended to break down the Jewish opposition to God, making them jealous for the relationship Gentiles have with Him.
5. We are all disobedient (“bound over to disobedience”) and we are all objects of God’s mercy.

William Barclay: “[Israel] fought their long battle against God; they are still fighting it. But God’s pursuing love is always after them. Whatever else Romans 9–11 may sometimes read like, it is in the last analysis the story of the still uncompleted pursuit of love… It was Paul’s hope and prayer and ambition that someday the Jews would see what Christianity had done for the Gentiles and be moved to desire it. And… Here is the answer to those who wish to discard the Old Testament as merely a Jewish book which is irrelevant for Christianity. Only fools kick away the ladder which raised them to the height which they have reached.”
“His glory begins in himself and ends in himself and encompasses all of his purposes and actions. To the degree humans are included in an awareness of the glorifying purposes of God, they should offer him praise. To the degree humans are excluded from an awareness of the purposes of God, they should likewise offer him praise. In the first degree we praise him for what we understand, in the second for what we do not understand. After all, how much motivation would there be in worshiping a God whose purposes were totally exhausted by the finiteness of our intellect?”

- Holman New Testament Commentary

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