OneLife Church

Common Cents: Part 8 - The Owner
Locations & Times
North Campus
3503 W Emory Rd, Powell, TN 37849, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Online Connection Card
Let us know that you were here, what your next step is that you are taking, or how we can pray for you and help you! Back
Give Jesus your best in 2024! Click below to give your tithes and offerings. Line: Perspective changes when I know where it comes from.
1. God owns it all.
2. God doesn't need anything from me.
3. God wants generosity for me.
4. True generosity comes from a heart of true worship.
What is an example of when your perspective changed because you knew where something came from? Was it a food you would normally eat (or not eat!) but that changed because of where it came from? Was it a gift that was extra special to you because of where it came from? Or maybe it was an extra dose of trust or confidence because you knew the source?
What is an example of when your perspective changed because you knew where something came from? Was it a food you would normally eat (or not eat!) but that changed because of where it came from? Was it a gift that was extra special to you because of where it came from? Or maybe it was an extra dose of trust or confidence because you knew the source?
Read Psalm 50:8-10 and James 1:17. What are the similarities that you see in these two passages? What truth do you take from these passages? How would you explain this (or these) principles to someone who had never heard it before?
Read Psalm 50:8-10 and James 1:17. What are the similarities that you see in these two passages? What truth do you take from these passages? How would you explain this (or these) principles to someone who had never heard it before?
How have you experienced the truth that God owns everything already and that every good and perfect gift comes down from Him? How does this impact your generosity? How does it impact your worship?
Read Psalm 50:14-15. How have you experienced God's deliverance when you have needed it? When have you had to call on God in a day of trouble and how did he rescue you?
Read Psalm 50:16-23. God outlines ways that we are hypocritical, be it stealing, going along with others' sins like adultery, or even gossip and slander. In this He challenges us to a high bar of integrity in that we don't simply worship Him with our mouths but also with our lives. Where have you been convicted to bring your entire life into alignment with God's Word? What are examples of things you didn't realize or believe were wrong before but have learned to trust Him with those areas as you repent?
How does worshipping God with your mouth but not being a giver or a generous person make you a hypocrite? How does it make you unlike your Father?
How have you experienced the truth that God owns everything already and that every good and perfect gift comes down from Him? How does this impact your generosity? How does it impact your worship?
Read Psalm 50:14-15. How have you experienced God's deliverance when you have needed it? When have you had to call on God in a day of trouble and how did he rescue you?
Read Psalm 50:16-23. God outlines ways that we are hypocritical, be it stealing, going along with others' sins like adultery, or even gossip and slander. In this He challenges us to a high bar of integrity in that we don't simply worship Him with our mouths but also with our lives. Where have you been convicted to bring your entire life into alignment with God's Word? What are examples of things you didn't realize or believe were wrong before but have learned to trust Him with those areas as you repent?
How does worshipping God with your mouth but not being a giver or a generous person make you a hypocrite? How does it make you unlike your Father?
What step of generosity are you going to take as a result of what you have learned in this discussion or throughout this series?
What is the step below that most challenges you and that you want to focus on the most as you move forward with "common cents"?
Acquire - Give - Save - Repay - Enjoy
What step of generosity are you going to take as a result of what you have learned in this discussion or throughout this series?
What is the step below that most challenges you and that you want to focus on the most as you move forward with "common cents"?
Acquire - Give - Save - Repay - Enjoy
Pray for each other in the micro church to take the step that you feel led to take, and to trust God as you do. Pray that people where you live, work, and play will see your faith and be inspired to follow suit. Pray that an eternal impact will be made as a result!
Pray for each other in the micro church to take the step that you feel led to take, and to trust God as you do. Pray that people where you live, work, and play will see your faith and be inspired to follow suit. Pray that an eternal impact will be made as a result!
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Take a generosity step now! Give online and choose "regular" as the frequency so that you can have a plan to give God your first and your best! OneLife Church
OneLife Church exists to see people discover Jesus and how their one life can make a difference. We are passionate about it! Head over to to learn more about us!