Brookwood Church

GROUP GUIDE - Faithful to Humility
November 10, 2024
Locations & Times
Brookwood Church
580 Brookwood Point Pl, Simpsonville, SC 29681, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Group Guide
This guide is designed to help you grow in your relationship with God and develop meaningful, lasting relationships with others. Get together with friends, or visit the website to find a group that’s already meeting. Let’s do this together! 6 GROUP GUIDE
Faithful... to Humility
Faithful... to Humility
Is it more difficult to see good in others or good in yourself? Explain.
Is it more difficult to see good in others or good in yourself? Explain.
Spend time praying for each other.
Spend time praying for each other.
As you watch the Group Video together, ask group members to be on the lookout for anything specific that catches their attention. Then, reflect and discuss together as the Lord leads. Use this space to jot down some notes… and Discussion
Take your time with this. The goal is not to answer all the questions but to cultivate meaningful conversations with God and each other. Be prayerful as you reflect and grow together.
Take your time with this. The goal is not to answer all the questions but to cultivate meaningful conversations with God and each other. Be prayerful as you reflect and grow together.
Insight: Here’s some background on vs. 14. Hilkiah could have sought insight from Jeremiah or Zephaniah (two of Israel’s prophets in that day), but instead went to Hildah, a prophetess, who lived nearby. She likely served on the court on important matters of the state. Being the wife of Shallum, keeper of the wardrobe (royal robes) also indicates she was of high status. Seeking insight from prophets (both male and female) was a common practice in the Ancient Near East.
1. Hildah told the leaders that God was going to bring judgment on His people because they turned their hearts away from Him. When have you felt convicted and knew God was trying to point out something in your life?
2. God’s word is true, even in its promises of judgment. God’s faithfulness is demonstrated as much by His judgment upon the wicked as it is by His mercy upon the repentant. Why did God spare King Josiah the disaster He promised to bring on the people?
3. Judah and its leaders had walked against the Lord for too long, and would not genuinely repent to avoid eventual judgment. Their hearts had turned to other gods. What are ways you can help people return to God?
4. Josiah’s responsive heart led to God’s mercy. The stubborn heart of the nation resulted in God’s anger and judgment. Can you think of a time you surrendered your heart to God? What was that like for you?
5. Confession of sin restores fellowship with God (see 1 John 1:8-10). When was a time you experienced a renewed (fresh, deeper) intimacy with God?
6. What’s the difference between pride and humility? Contrast them below. Have each person reflect on their own then share with the group, or brainstorm and build these lists together.
People filled with pride...
◾ act like they know everything.
what else...
◾ act like they know everything.
what else...
Humble people...
◾ know they still have a lot to learn.
what else...
◾ know they still have a lot to learn.
what else...
7. When it comes to humility, Philippians 2:1-11 instructs us to have the same mindset (vs. 5, NIV) as Jesus. Spend time studying this passage together.
Read Philippians 2:1-11 How did Jesus show humility?
b. What were some of the results of His humility?
c. How can you grow in humility like Jesus?
8. How would you summarize the most important truths in this week’s teaching?
The Big Takeaway
Silence allows us to attend to and listen to God, freeing ourselves from the addiction to and distraction of noise. Spend a few minutes quietly allowing your heart and mind to settle. Trust that God is near and desires to meet you where you are. Ask Him what He wants you to know or do from this week’s study and discussion. Write down what you sense God is saying to you. Share this with the group and pray for each other.
Silence allows us to attend to and listen to God, freeing ourselves from the addiction to and distraction of noise. Spend a few minutes quietly allowing your heart and mind to settle. Trust that God is near and desires to meet you where you are. Ask Him what He wants you to know or do from this week’s study and discussion. Write down what you sense God is saying to you. Share this with the group and pray for each other.
Scripture Memory
One way to keep Jesus at the center of your life is by keeping the words of Scripture at the center of your heart. May you carry the life-shaping words of God in you at all times and in all places.
This week, commit to memory this verse about humility:
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up in honor. James 4:10 (NLT)
One way to keep Jesus at the center of your life is by keeping the words of Scripture at the center of your heart. May you carry the life-shaping words of God in you at all times and in all places.
This week, commit to memory this verse about humility:
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up in honor. James 4:10 (NLT)
For Further Study
1. Consider what these passages teach you about humility. Ask God what He wants you to know as you read and study.
1. Consider what these passages teach you about humility. Ask God what He wants you to know as you read and study.
a. Colossians 3:12-17 James 4:1-6 2 Chronicles 7:14-20 Luke 14:1-14 Write out a prayer. Thank God for making a way for you to come home, and ask Him to make your heart sensitive and responsive to His love.
Below are thoughts about Josiah and the Old Testament.
Understanding the Old Testament
For many people, the Old Testament can be confusing and a bit overwhelming. If you've ever felt intimidated, you're not alone! We’ve put together a resource that includes seven key concepts to help you gain some footing so you can read and understand the Old Testament with greater confidence. View/download the Old Testament Guide below: in the Bible
• Josiah’s name means God helps, supports, or even heals. This series focuses on ways God worked through Josiah to strengthen His people in a culture and kingdom of chaos and destruction. Josiah’s faithfulness is a model for us today.
• Josiah’s story is recorded in 2 Kings 22:1-23:30, then is retold more than 100 years later to the Jews who returned to Israel, directing them in the restoration of the kingdom. This second account is in 2 Chronicles 33:25-36:1. Group Guides in this series are based on material from both accounts.
• Of the 19 kings who led the Southern tribes, Josiah was only 1 of 7 described as good. Of the 19 kings who led the Northern tribes, not one of them was considered good. Disobedience and evil spread throughout the land, resulting in oppression and hardship beyond what words can describe.
• Josiah was a good king. He reigned from 640-608 BC and spent his life leading people back to God. May his faithfulness draw our hearts to the One who is perfectly faithful. His name is Jesus, the Son of God and Savior of the world.
• Josiah’s name means God helps, supports, or even heals. This series focuses on ways God worked through Josiah to strengthen His people in a culture and kingdom of chaos and destruction. Josiah’s faithfulness is a model for us today.
• Josiah’s story is recorded in 2 Kings 22:1-23:30, then is retold more than 100 years later to the Jews who returned to Israel, directing them in the restoration of the kingdom. This second account is in 2 Chronicles 33:25-36:1. Group Guides in this series are based on material from both accounts.
• Of the 19 kings who led the Southern tribes, Josiah was only 1 of 7 described as good. Of the 19 kings who led the Northern tribes, not one of them was considered good. Disobedience and evil spread throughout the land, resulting in oppression and hardship beyond what words can describe.
• Josiah was a good king. He reigned from 640-608 BC and spent his life leading people back to God. May his faithfulness draw our hearts to the One who is perfectly faithful. His name is Jesus, the Son of God and Savior of the world.
Major Themes in the Life of Josiah
1. Breaking the family pattern (generational cycle).
2. Seeking God with urgency and passion.
3. Trusting God with all you are and all you have.
4. Pursuing a life of holiness.
5. The importance of God’s Word.
6. Finding strength in humility.
7. Remembering and celebrating who God is and all He’s done.
1. Breaking the family pattern (generational cycle).
2. Seeking God with urgency and passion.
3. Trusting God with all you are and all you have.
4. Pursuing a life of holiness.
5. The importance of God’s Word.
6. Finding strength in humility.
7. Remembering and celebrating who God is and all He’s done.
Outline of the Story of Josiah (2 Kings 22:1-23:30)
1. Beginning of Josiah’s Reign (22:1-2)
2. Repairing the Temple (22:3-7)
3. The Word of God (22:8-20)
4. Josiah’s Reforms (23:1-20)
5. Passover (23:21-27)
6. Closure of Josiah’s Reign (23:28-30)
1. Beginning of Josiah’s Reign (22:1-2)
2. Repairing the Temple (22:3-7)
3. The Word of God (22:8-20)
4. Josiah’s Reforms (23:1-20)
5. Passover (23:21-27)
6. Closure of Josiah’s Reign (23:28-30)
Messages in this Series
2 Kings 21:19-24; 2 Kings 23:25
2. October 13 SEEK HIM FIRST
2 Kings 22:1-2; 2 Chronicles 34:3
3. October 20 TRUST IN GOD
2 Kings 22:3-7
4. October 27 HOLINESS
2 Kings 23:4-24
5. November 3 GOD'S WORD
2 Kings 22:8-13
6. November 10 HUMILITY
2 Kings 22:14-20
7. November 17 REMEMBER
2 Kings 23:25-30
2 Kings 21:19-24; 2 Kings 23:25
2. October 13 SEEK HIM FIRST
2 Kings 22:1-2; 2 Chronicles 34:3
3. October 20 TRUST IN GOD
2 Kings 22:3-7
4. October 27 HOLINESS
2 Kings 23:4-24
5. November 3 GOD'S WORD
2 Kings 22:8-13
6. November 10 HUMILITY
2 Kings 22:14-20
7. November 17 REMEMBER
2 Kings 23:25-30
May this be the prayer of our hearts:
Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your law.
Psalm 119:18 (NIV)
Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your law.
Psalm 119:18 (NIV)
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If you've never experienced God's forgiveness and grace, we'd love the opportunity to talk with you about life-changing relationship with Jesus. Email or call 864.688.8200.
If you've never experienced God's forgiveness and grace, we'd love the opportunity to talk with you about life-changing relationship with Jesus. Email or call 864.688.8200.
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